WhatsApps shows Matt Hancock desperately tried to take credit for coronavirus vaccine

In a leaked WhatsApp message, Matt Hancock warned "It MUST NOT be Alok!" as he insisted he should get publicity rather than Business Secretary Sir Alok Sharma

Matt Hancock wanted more publicity when first coronavirus vaccine was announced, leaked posts suggest Matt Hancock wanted more publicity when the first coronavirus vaccine was announced, leaked messages suggest (


Matt Hancock has fought desperately to try and take credit for the coronavirus vaccine, leaked WhatsApp messages.

The then health secretary demanded that he go on TV to talk about the breakthrough.

In one post, he warned "It MUST NOT be Alok!" as he insisted he get publicity rather than Business Secretary Sir Alok Sharma.

The commercial department, led by Sir Alok, has been central to efforts to secure a vaccine.

In November 2020, the Ministry of Health learned that Pfizer was planning an imminent announcement that its vaccine was over 90% effective against Covid.

When he heard the news about to be announced, Mr Hancock complained that he was not live on House of Commons TV and feared he would be upstaged by Sir Alok .

Former Health Secretary feared Sir Alok Sharma would get TV appearances for him the day after the announcement
The former health secretary has insisted he should get publicity rather than business secretary Sir Alok Sharma (


Getty Images)

In messages to an aide, seen by the Telegraph, he wrote: 'Too bad I'm not in the Commons! I should make a music video.

"I should DEFINITELY do the tmrw tour. It MUST NOT be Alok!"

The latest revelation comes after a slice of the message...

WhatsApps shows Matt Hancock desperately tried to take credit for coronavirus vaccine

In a leaked WhatsApp message, Matt Hancock warned "It MUST NOT be Alok!" as he insisted he should get publicity rather than Business Secretary Sir Alok Sharma

Matt Hancock wanted more publicity when first coronavirus vaccine was announced, leaked posts suggest Matt Hancock wanted more publicity when the first coronavirus vaccine was announced, leaked messages suggest (


Matt Hancock has fought desperately to try and take credit for the coronavirus vaccine, leaked WhatsApp messages.

The then health secretary demanded that he go on TV to talk about the breakthrough.

In one post, he warned "It MUST NOT be Alok!" as he insisted he get publicity rather than Business Secretary Sir Alok Sharma.

The commercial department, led by Sir Alok, has been central to efforts to secure a vaccine.

In November 2020, the Ministry of Health learned that Pfizer was planning an imminent announcement that its vaccine was over 90% effective against Covid.

When he heard the news about to be announced, Mr Hancock complained that he was not live on House of Commons TV and feared he would be upstaged by Sir Alok .

Former Health Secretary feared Sir Alok Sharma would get TV appearances for him the day after the announcement
The former health secretary has insisted he should get publicity rather than business secretary Sir Alok Sharma (


Getty Images)

In messages to an aide, seen by the Telegraph, he wrote: 'Too bad I'm not in the Commons! I should make a music video.

"I should DEFINITELY do the tmrw tour. It MUST NOT be Alok!"

The latest revelation comes after a slice of the message...

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