Where does the technology go next? All signs point to citizen developers

We're excited to bring Transform 2022 back in person on July 19 and virtually from July 20-28. Join leaders in AI and data for in-depth discussions and exciting networking opportunities. Sign up today!

The world as we know it will not be recognizable in a decade. Why? It remains to be created. Much of what matters to us right now was just invented and didn't even exist a few years ago. Humanity's ability to innovate has grown at a rapid rate and will only accelerate.

Applications for products and services should continue to evolve. Everything people buy and consume will have a digital element and the line between physical and virtual will continue to blur. An example of this is what we are currently experiencing with electric cars. Today, an electric car is more than just a vehicle, it's an operating system that takes you where you need to go, and this evolution will go much further. As a society, we now have the chance to build what really matters to us as we move forward. What happens afterwards? How will we continue to elevate and progress as a society to a level that exceeds our current course of development?

The answer: citizen developers.

What is a citizen developer?

By now, it's reasonable to assume that almost everyone has probably been affected in some way by the big resignation, whether it's an employee leaving their own job, an employer who cannot fill vacancies, or an overworked employee forced to take on more than one role. In November 2021, the Labor Department reported that a record 4.51 million workers left their jobs. However, this turnover has not yet shown signs of slowing down. In fact, a new record was set in March 2022, with 4.53 million people reportedly quitting their jobs. And IT departments across America have not been immune to this new crisis we face. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the shortage of software engineers in the United States will reach nearly 1.2 million by 2026.


Transform 2022

Join us at the leading Applied AI event for enterprise business and technology decision makers on July 19 and virtually July 20-28.

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That brings me to the citizen developer. It is simply someone with little or no coding experience who can build their own apps through the use of low-code or no-code technology. However, I want to be very clear, the role of the citizen developer is not intended to take the jobs of traditional developers in an IT department. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They free up the time and energy of overworked developers to focus on the work they were hired to do. Which, in light of the current state of the labor market, is more important than ever.

Democratizing Access: Literacy 2.0

In the future, literacy will not only be associated with reading and writing, it will also include app development. This means that citizen developers will be much more mainstream, which in turn will accelerate the ability to create the world we as a society really want for ourselves...

Where does the technology go next? All signs point to citizen developers

We're excited to bring Transform 2022 back in person on July 19 and virtually from July 20-28. Join leaders in AI and data for in-depth discussions and exciting networking opportunities. Sign up today!

The world as we know it will not be recognizable in a decade. Why? It remains to be created. Much of what matters to us right now was just invented and didn't even exist a few years ago. Humanity's ability to innovate has grown at a rapid rate and will only accelerate.

Applications for products and services should continue to evolve. Everything people buy and consume will have a digital element and the line between physical and virtual will continue to blur. An example of this is what we are currently experiencing with electric cars. Today, an electric car is more than just a vehicle, it's an operating system that takes you where you need to go, and this evolution will go much further. As a society, we now have the chance to build what really matters to us as we move forward. What happens afterwards? How will we continue to elevate and progress as a society to a level that exceeds our current course of development?

The answer: citizen developers.

What is a citizen developer?

By now, it's reasonable to assume that almost everyone has probably been affected in some way by the big resignation, whether it's an employee leaving their own job, an employer who cannot fill vacancies, or an overworked employee forced to take on more than one role. In November 2021, the Labor Department reported that a record 4.51 million workers left their jobs. However, this turnover has not yet shown signs of slowing down. In fact, a new record was set in March 2022, with 4.53 million people reportedly quitting their jobs. And IT departments across America have not been immune to this new crisis we face. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the shortage of software engineers in the United States will reach nearly 1.2 million by 2026.


Transform 2022

Join us at the leading Applied AI event for enterprise business and technology decision makers on July 19 and virtually July 20-28.

register here

That brings me to the citizen developer. It is simply someone with little or no coding experience who can build their own apps through the use of low-code or no-code technology. However, I want to be very clear, the role of the citizen developer is not intended to take the jobs of traditional developers in an IT department. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They free up the time and energy of overworked developers to focus on the work they were hired to do. Which, in light of the current state of the labor market, is more important than ever.

Democratizing Access: Literacy 2.0

In the future, literacy will not only be associated with reading and writing, it will also include app development. This means that citizen developers will be much more mainstream, which in turn will accelerate the ability to create the world we as a society really want for ourselves...

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