Why Serbia's Prince Philip Is Bullish On Bitcoin (Not Crypto)

In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph, Prince Philip Karageorgevich, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia, explains his reason for being bullish on Bitcoin .

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Philip Karageorgevich, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia, is a strong supporter of Bitcoin as he criticizes altcoins as mere attempts to copy the original cryptocurrency.

“People want to do fiat. They want to make money. And so they're going to take bitcoin technology, bitcoin ideas and try to own them and try to ride that fad,” he said. -he said in an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph.

Philip is convinced that Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that has the potential to solve one of the biggest problems affecting the world: the money problem.

"The reason the world is in such a bad shape is because of money. People think, 'Yeah, money corrupts', but actually, no, money is itself. corrupt, and that has to change,” he said.

To better understand Prince Philip's views on Bitcoin and crypto, watch the full interview on our YouTube channel and don't forget to subscribe!

Why Serbia's Prince Philip Is Bullish On Bitcoin (Not Crypto)

In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph, Prince Philip Karageorgevich, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia, explains his reason for being bullish on Bitcoin .

Cointelegraph YouTube Subscribe

Philip Karageorgevich, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia, is a strong supporter of Bitcoin as he criticizes altcoins as mere attempts to copy the original cryptocurrency.

“People want to do fiat. They want to make money. And so they're going to take bitcoin technology, bitcoin ideas and try to own them and try to ride that fad,” he said. -he said in an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph.

Philip is convinced that Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that has the potential to solve one of the biggest problems affecting the world: the money problem.

"The reason the world is in such a bad shape is because of money. People think, 'Yeah, money corrupts', but actually, no, money is itself. corrupt, and that has to change,” he said.

To better understand Prince Philip's views on Bitcoin and crypto, watch the full interview on our YouTube channel and don't forget to subscribe!

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