Women in AI: UC Berkeley's Brandie Nonnecke says investors should insist on responsible AI practices

HAS give AI-driven women academics And others their well-deserved — And late — time In THE projector, TechCrunch East launch A series of interviews focused on on outstanding women who has contributed has THE AI revolution. GOOD publish several pieces all along THE year as THE AI boom keep on going, highlighting key work that often go unknown. Read more profiles here.

Brandie Without neck East THE foundation director of THE CITRIS Policy Laboratory, Headquartered has CU Berkeley, which supports interdisciplinary research has address questions around THE role of regulation In promote innovation. Without neck Also co-directors THE Berkeley Center For Law And Technology, Or She led projects on AI, platforms And Company, And THE CU Berkeley AI Policy Hub, A initiative has form researchers has develop effective AI governance And policy frames.

In her spare time, Without neck hosts A video And podcast series, TecHype, that analyzes emerging technology Strategies, regulations And laws, provide knowledge In THE benefits And risks And identify strategies has harness technology For good.

Briefly, how did You get your to start In AI? What attracted You has THE field?

I have has been functioning In responsible AI governance For almost A decade. My training In technology, public policy And their intersection with societal impacts drew Me In THE field. AI East Already invasive And deeply impactful In OUR lives — For better And For worse. It is important has Me has in a significative way contribute has the society ability has harness This technology For GOOD instead that stay on THE on the sidelines.

What work are You most proud of (In THE AI field)?

I am Really proud of two things We have accomplished. First of all, THE University of California was THE First of all university has establish responsible AI principles And A governance structure has better ensure responsible supply And to use of AI. We take OUR commitment has serve THE public In A responsible manner seriously. I had THE honor of co-presidency THE CU Presidential Functioning Band on AI And It is subsequent permanent AI Advice. In these the roles, I have has been able has earn first hand experience thought through how has best operationalize OUR responsible AI principles In order has backup OUR Faculty, staff, students, And THE wider communities We serve. Second, I think It is critical that THE public to understand emerging technologies And their real benefits And risks. We spear TecHype, A video And podcast series that demystifies emerging technologies And provides advice on effective technical And policy interventions.

How TO DO You navigate THE challenges of THE predominantly male technology industry, And, by extension, THE predominantly male AI industry?

Be curious, persistent And without being discouraged by impostor syndrome. I have find he crucial has seek out mentors WHO support diversity And inclusion, And has offer THE even support has others enter THE field. Building Understood communities In technology has has been A powerful path has share experiences, advice And encouragement.

What advice would be You give has women while searching has enter THE AI field?

For women enter THE AI field, My advice East triple: Seek awareness tirelessly, as AI East A quickly evolution field. To kiss networking, as Connections will open doors has opportunities And offer invaluable support. And lawyer For yourself And others, as your voice East essential In shape A Understood, fair future For AI. Remember, your unique perspectives And experiences enrich THE field And to drive innovation.

What are a few of THE most pressing problems focused towards AI as he evolves?

I believe A of THE most pressing problems focused towards AI as he evolved East has not get suspended up on THE last threshing cycles. Were seeing This NOW with generative AI. Of course, generative AI present significant advances And will to have tremendous impact — GOOD And bad. But other shapes of machine learning are In to use Today that are surreptitiously manufacturing the decisions that directly affect everyone ability has exercise their rights. Instead that to focus on THE last wonders of machine learning, It is more important that We to focus on how And Or machine learning East be applied regardless of It is technological feat.

What are a few problems AI users should be aware of ?

AI users should be aware of problems related has data confidentiality And security, THE potential For bias In AI decision making And THE importance of transparency In how AI systems function And TO DO the decisions. Understanding these problems can empower users has request more indebted A...

Women in AI: UC Berkeley's Brandie Nonnecke says investors should insist on responsible AI practices

HAS give AI-driven women academics And others their well-deserved — And late — time In THE projector, TechCrunch East launch A series of interviews focused on on outstanding women who has contributed has THE AI revolution. GOOD publish several pieces all along THE year as THE AI boom keep on going, highlighting key work that often go unknown. Read more profiles here.

Brandie Without neck East THE foundation director of THE CITRIS Policy Laboratory, Headquartered has CU Berkeley, which supports interdisciplinary research has address questions around THE role of regulation In promote innovation. Without neck Also co-directors THE Berkeley Center For Law And Technology, Or She led projects on AI, platforms And Company, And THE CU Berkeley AI Policy Hub, A initiative has form researchers has develop effective AI governance And policy frames.

In her spare time, Without neck hosts A video And podcast series, TecHype, that analyzes emerging technology Strategies, regulations And laws, provide knowledge In THE benefits And risks And identify strategies has harness technology For good.

Briefly, how did You get your to start In AI? What attracted You has THE field?

I have has been functioning In responsible AI governance For almost A decade. My training In technology, public policy And their intersection with societal impacts drew Me In THE field. AI East Already invasive And deeply impactful In OUR lives — For better And For worse. It is important has Me has in a significative way contribute has the society ability has harness This technology For GOOD instead that stay on THE on the sidelines.

What work are You most proud of (In THE AI field)?

I am Really proud of two things We have accomplished. First of all, THE University of California was THE First of all university has establish responsible AI principles And A governance structure has better ensure responsible supply And to use of AI. We take OUR commitment has serve THE public In A responsible manner seriously. I had THE honor of co-presidency THE CU Presidential Functioning Band on AI And It is subsequent permanent AI Advice. In these the roles, I have has been able has earn first hand experience thought through how has best operationalize OUR responsible AI principles In order has backup OUR Faculty, staff, students, And THE wider communities We serve. Second, I think It is critical that THE public to understand emerging technologies And their real benefits And risks. We spear TecHype, A video And podcast series that demystifies emerging technologies And provides advice on effective technical And policy interventions.

How TO DO You navigate THE challenges of THE predominantly male technology industry, And, by extension, THE predominantly male AI industry?

Be curious, persistent And without being discouraged by impostor syndrome. I have find he crucial has seek out mentors WHO support diversity And inclusion, And has offer THE even support has others enter THE field. Building Understood communities In technology has has been A powerful path has share experiences, advice And encouragement.

What advice would be You give has women while searching has enter THE AI field?

For women enter THE AI field, My advice East triple: Seek awareness tirelessly, as AI East A quickly evolution field. To kiss networking, as Connections will open doors has opportunities And offer invaluable support. And lawyer For yourself And others, as your voice East essential In shape A Understood, fair future For AI. Remember, your unique perspectives And experiences enrich THE field And to drive innovation.

What are a few of THE most pressing problems focused towards AI as he evolves?

I believe A of THE most pressing problems focused towards AI as he evolved East has not get suspended up on THE last threshing cycles. Were seeing This NOW with generative AI. Of course, generative AI present significant advances And will to have tremendous impact — GOOD And bad. But other shapes of machine learning are In to use Today that are surreptitiously manufacturing the decisions that directly affect everyone ability has exercise their rights. Instead that to focus on THE last wonders of machine learning, It is more important that We to focus on how And Or machine learning East be applied regardless of It is technological feat.

What are a few problems AI users should be aware of ?

AI users should be aware of problems related has data confidentiality And security, THE potential For bias In AI decision making And THE importance of transparency In how AI systems function And TO DO the decisions. Understanding these problems can empower users has request more indebted A...

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