X1Plus: Bambu Lab X1 open source firmware

Recently [Michael] on has THE [Education Technology] Youtube channel obtained to access has THE X1Plus firmware, And takes We through What he can mean For Bamboo Laboratory X1 the owners. X1Plus East alternative firmware For THE Bamboo Laboratory X1 FDM 3D printer that was developed by X1 the owners WHO felt that there were a few features that they were missing, such as A detailed report on automatic bed leveling, to input shape calibration answer graphics And more.

Maybe most interesting East that This firmware do not replace THE Bamboo Laboratory firmware, but instead short completely Since A microSD map It is inserted In THE display South Dakota map drive. This means that only THE bootloader of THE printer boot AVERAGE East amended, And THE printer Thus preserves THE ability boot has THE OEM firmware as necessary. If You to want has to try he on your own X1 depends on A little factors, First of all of all be that he only works with THE OEM firmware up has And including version 1.7.0.

From THE bootloader modification rests on A exploit that was patched In more recent firmware, A plot depends on if Bamboo Laboratory allow such tinker, a lot as Prusa do with THE mini printer, Or allow turn signal of older firmware which would be enable THE exploit on more recent X1 printers. Depending, depending on Bamboo Laboratory answer, THE imminent public release of This open source firmware can as A result run In a few pretty big obstacles.

X1Plus: Bambu Lab X1 open source firmware

Recently [Michael] on has THE [Education Technology] Youtube channel obtained to access has THE X1Plus firmware, And takes We through What he can mean For Bamboo Laboratory X1 the owners. X1Plus East alternative firmware For THE Bamboo Laboratory X1 FDM 3D printer that was developed by X1 the owners WHO felt that there were a few features that they were missing, such as A detailed report on automatic bed leveling, to input shape calibration answer graphics And more.

Maybe most interesting East that This firmware do not replace THE Bamboo Laboratory firmware, but instead short completely Since A microSD map It is inserted In THE display South Dakota map drive. This means that only THE bootloader of THE printer boot AVERAGE East amended, And THE printer Thus preserves THE ability boot has THE OEM firmware as necessary. If You to want has to try he on your own X1 depends on A little factors, First of all of all be that he only works with THE OEM firmware up has And including version 1.7.0.

From THE bootloader modification rests on A exploit that was patched In more recent firmware, A plot depends on if Bamboo Laboratory allow such tinker, a lot as Prusa do with THE mini printer, Or allow turn signal of older firmware which would be enable THE exploit on more recent X1 printers. Depending, depending on Bamboo Laboratory answer, THE imminent public release of This open source firmware can as A result run In a few pretty big obstacles.

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