12 ways to get motivated every morning

Funny how motivation works. Some days you wake up so energized and inspired that you're ready to take on the world. Other times, you feel like you have just enough energy to crawl out of bed.

Even if the motivation seems random, it is not. It takes effort to feel motivated. Specifically, it happens when you are passionate about something.

Don't worry if you have trouble getting up and going to work every day. According to a Gallup study, 60% of people are emotionally detached from work and 19% are miserable at work. And only 33% of respondents felt engaged.

Again, motivation takes effort. Refreshing and renewing yourself is something you need to do every day. With that in mind, here are 12 ways to get motivated every morning to get through the day.

1. Get enough sleep.

Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? Well, the culprit could be that you're not getting enough sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. So if you're late for sleep, you may need to adjust your wake-up and sleep times. Fortunately, to sleep better, you can try the following methods:

Maintain a consistent circadian rhythm by getting up at the same time every day, including weekends. Take advantage of sunlight in the morning to help your body produce the right hormones for sleep and wakefulness. Do not rush your evenings, especially by finishing your evening meal at least four hours before going to bed. At least 30 minutes before going to bed, turn off your screens. After all, the blue light from your TV and phone is hurting your sleep. Use sleep aid supplements, such as melatonin, if you have trouble falling asleep. Strenuous exercise should be avoided within four hours of bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep hormone production. Keep your bedroom like a cave. In other words, your bedroom should be dark and cool. 2. Don't press snooze.

Avoid taking a nap in the morning. Besides being bad for your psyche, it's also bad for your motivation.

"Once you hit nap and doze off, your brain starts its sleep cycle again," Alan Henry told Lifehacker.com. "When the alarm goes off a second time, you're probably at an even deeper, earlier part of your sleep cycle, which makes you feel even worse than the first time."

Also, avoid waking up surrounded by blaring alarms, radio clutter, or irritating news. Instead, choose a calming and upbeat alarm. Getting up will be much easier if you listen to your favorite song or listen to a fun podcast.

3. Ask yourself some positive questions.

According to Henrik Edberg at PositivityBlog.com, every time you wake up, ask yourself five three-part questions as follows:

What am I ______ in my life right now? How does that make me _______? How does that make me feel?

"Put your own value in the blank space," he says. "For example, some of my questions are:"

What am I happy about in my life right now? What am I passionate about in my life right now?

"It's important that you really feel what you feel," adds Edberg. "When I think about the last part of what makes me happy right now, I really feel it."

Morning questions can fill you with appreciation and positivity depending on how they are worded.

4. Your biggest dreams should be visible to you as soon as you wake up.

In order to live a fulfilling life, our brain needs constant reminders of what we are hoping for. As we write it down, we become aware that what was once a dream and thought suddenly becomes tangible and clearly visible.

As a result, it is no longer j...

12 ways to get motivated every morning

Funny how motivation works. Some days you wake up so energized and inspired that you're ready to take on the world. Other times, you feel like you have just enough energy to crawl out of bed.

Even if the motivation seems random, it is not. It takes effort to feel motivated. Specifically, it happens when you are passionate about something.

Don't worry if you have trouble getting up and going to work every day. According to a Gallup study, 60% of people are emotionally detached from work and 19% are miserable at work. And only 33% of respondents felt engaged.

Again, motivation takes effort. Refreshing and renewing yourself is something you need to do every day. With that in mind, here are 12 ways to get motivated every morning to get through the day.

1. Get enough sleep.

Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? Well, the culprit could be that you're not getting enough sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. So if you're late for sleep, you may need to adjust your wake-up and sleep times. Fortunately, to sleep better, you can try the following methods:

Maintain a consistent circadian rhythm by getting up at the same time every day, including weekends. Take advantage of sunlight in the morning to help your body produce the right hormones for sleep and wakefulness. Do not rush your evenings, especially by finishing your evening meal at least four hours before going to bed. At least 30 minutes before going to bed, turn off your screens. After all, the blue light from your TV and phone is hurting your sleep. Use sleep aid supplements, such as melatonin, if you have trouble falling asleep. Strenuous exercise should be avoided within four hours of bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep hormone production. Keep your bedroom like a cave. In other words, your bedroom should be dark and cool. 2. Don't press snooze.

Avoid taking a nap in the morning. Besides being bad for your psyche, it's also bad for your motivation.

"Once you hit nap and doze off, your brain starts its sleep cycle again," Alan Henry told Lifehacker.com. "When the alarm goes off a second time, you're probably at an even deeper, earlier part of your sleep cycle, which makes you feel even worse than the first time."

Also, avoid waking up surrounded by blaring alarms, radio clutter, or irritating news. Instead, choose a calming and upbeat alarm. Getting up will be much easier if you listen to your favorite song or listen to a fun podcast.

3. Ask yourself some positive questions.

According to Henrik Edberg at PositivityBlog.com, every time you wake up, ask yourself five three-part questions as follows:

What am I ______ in my life right now? How does that make me _______? How does that make me feel?

"Put your own value in the blank space," he says. "For example, some of my questions are:"

What am I happy about in my life right now? What am I passionate about in my life right now?

"It's important that you really feel what you feel," adds Edberg. "When I think about the last part of what makes me happy right now, I really feel it."

Morning questions can fill you with appreciation and positivity depending on how they are worded.

4. Your biggest dreams should be visible to you as soon as you wake up.

In order to live a fulfilling life, our brain needs constant reminders of what we are hoping for. As we write it down, we become aware that what was once a dream and thought suddenly becomes tangible and clearly visible.

As a result, it is no longer j...

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