What I learned in my first year of marriage

July 3rd, 2024, Brands My husband Well And My First of all year of marriage. Most people look Before has celebrate fireworks on THE 4th, but THE fireworks In OUR hearts began just A day earlier.

Well And I date For just on five years Before We obtained married. In a few manners, marriage has has been Exactly What I thought he would be be. My husband East always THE even person I married. Things that annoyed Me while dating him always annoy Me NOW. But I love THE things I love about him while We were dating even more NOW. I am Of course he could say THE even about me.

In other veins, marriage has not has been What I expected Or anticipated. Most days, I find myself thought, "How In THE world TO DO Mom And Grandmother manage All they TO DO?" More often that not, I END My days thinking about it, "How will I Never get he all do with SO a lot has do?"

While marriage has has been A blend of What I have thought he would be And wouldn't I be, I can say with certainty that It is value he. Each ounce of pain, tears, And conflict We have confronted has has been against by immeasurable joy, love, And resolution. As OUR ancient pastor quoted In her charge has We THE day We obtained married: "Marriage East A gift of God, given has comfort THE sorrows of life And amplify THE joys. Marriage East THE squeezing of hands, THE blend of hearts, THE union of two lives as A. Your marriage must stay on more that A piece of paper. He must stay In THE strength of your love And by THE power of your faith In A another And In God."

HAS THE END of THE charge, OUR pastor encouraged We has to kiss three wedding rings of marriage: faith, hope, And love. Just as Paul wrote In 1 Corinthians 13, THE even charge should be applied has We Today, "And NOW these three stay: faith, hope And love. But THE the biggest of these East love" (v. 13, NIV).

As I remember on THE THE last year, And THE course I have learned as A new marry, there are three things Identifier as has share with You. If You are married, dating, Single, Or look has to grow In your faith, I hope these truths can serve as A source of encouragement And strength:

1. THE Importance of Communication

Before Well And I obtained married, many people said We has to prioritize communication with OUR spouse has be, And with OUR Creator. THE even East always TRUE And in force Today. Marriage doesn't change OUR need For interaction with others. In do, a few could say he exasperated he. 

Communication East A important postman In any of them relationship. This East Why awareness how has talk has God and your spouse Or significant other East SO precious. How We communicate Also account.

James 1:19 East A life verse We should all take aware of And apply has OUR lives In THE path We interact with And talk has others: "My Dear brothers And sisters, take note of This: Everyone should be fast has listen, slow has talk And slow has become angry" (NIV). 

While This Writing East a lot Easier said that do, It is A GOOD aim has keep In spirit. Christ remember We has pursue Excellency In all We TO DO, And that extends In OUR Speaking, listen, And talk SKILLS (Philippians 4:8; Matthew 5:48 a.m.). Certainly, be patient, hearing has to understand, And thought Before We answer are all habits We can pursue both inside THE boundaries of marriage And outside.

Proverbs 6:21 p.m. summary OUR key indicate best In these words: "The death And life are In THE power of THE language, And those WHO love he will eat It is fruits" (ESV).

Communication must be open, vulnerable, honest, And kind, but above all, he must be Like Christ. THE reason communication East SO harmful has any of them relationship East because of THE immense power And value THE words We say And to use socket. 

A of THE the biggest things I have learned This last year East THE power of those words. My husband can't read My spirit, And I can't read her. I get THE assumption yours can't follow suit either. Even couples WHO know A another best And to have has been together For decades will Never get he all RIGHT. Were not spirit readers! But I believe God intentionally created We This path For A reason.

In Can, I was going through A stressful time. Identifier just resigned Since education, had surgery, And assisted My First of all in writing conference. A evening In particular, I said My husband I was in trouble has communicate with God And doesn't to have THE mental energy has pray Or read My Bible. He said Me that God always desired has hear Since Me that day. SO he request Me how Identifier feel if he went A entire day without talk has Me. However I obtained insulted has First of all And just research him has to validate THE exhaustion I was feeling, he had A period.

Even However God East G...

What I learned in my first year of marriage

July 3rd, 2024, Brands My husband Well And My First of all year of marriage. Most people look Before has celebrate fireworks on THE 4th, but THE fireworks In OUR hearts began just A day earlier.

Well And I date For just on five years Before We obtained married. In a few manners, marriage has has been Exactly What I thought he would be be. My husband East always THE even person I married. Things that annoyed Me while dating him always annoy Me NOW. But I love THE things I love about him while We were dating even more NOW. I am Of course he could say THE even about me.

In other veins, marriage has not has been What I expected Or anticipated. Most days, I find myself thought, "How In THE world TO DO Mom And Grandmother manage All they TO DO?" More often that not, I END My days thinking about it, "How will I Never get he all do with SO a lot has do?"

While marriage has has been A blend of What I have thought he would be And wouldn't I be, I can say with certainty that It is value he. Each ounce of pain, tears, And conflict We have confronted has has been against by immeasurable joy, love, And resolution. As OUR ancient pastor quoted In her charge has We THE day We obtained married: "Marriage East A gift of God, given has comfort THE sorrows of life And amplify THE joys. Marriage East THE squeezing of hands, THE blend of hearts, THE union of two lives as A. Your marriage must stay on more that A piece of paper. He must stay In THE strength of your love And by THE power of your faith In A another And In God."

HAS THE END of THE charge, OUR pastor encouraged We has to kiss three wedding rings of marriage: faith, hope, And love. Just as Paul wrote In 1 Corinthians 13, THE even charge should be applied has We Today, "And NOW these three stay: faith, hope And love. But THE the biggest of these East love" (v. 13, NIV).

As I remember on THE THE last year, And THE course I have learned as A new marry, there are three things Identifier as has share with You. If You are married, dating, Single, Or look has to grow In your faith, I hope these truths can serve as A source of encouragement And strength:

1. THE Importance of Communication

Before Well And I obtained married, many people said We has to prioritize communication with OUR spouse has be, And with OUR Creator. THE even East always TRUE And in force Today. Marriage doesn't change OUR need For interaction with others. In do, a few could say he exasperated he. 

Communication East A important postman In any of them relationship. This East Why awareness how has talk has God and your spouse Or significant other East SO precious. How We communicate Also account.

James 1:19 East A life verse We should all take aware of And apply has OUR lives In THE path We interact with And talk has others: "My Dear brothers And sisters, take note of This: Everyone should be fast has listen, slow has talk And slow has become angry" (NIV). 

While This Writing East a lot Easier said that do, It is A GOOD aim has keep In spirit. Christ remember We has pursue Excellency In all We TO DO, And that extends In OUR Speaking, listen, And talk SKILLS (Philippians 4:8; Matthew 5:48 a.m.). Certainly, be patient, hearing has to understand, And thought Before We answer are all habits We can pursue both inside THE boundaries of marriage And outside.

Proverbs 6:21 p.m. summary OUR key indicate best In these words: "The death And life are In THE power of THE language, And those WHO love he will eat It is fruits" (ESV).

Communication must be open, vulnerable, honest, And kind, but above all, he must be Like Christ. THE reason communication East SO harmful has any of them relationship East because of THE immense power And value THE words We say And to use socket. 

A of THE the biggest things I have learned This last year East THE power of those words. My husband can't read My spirit, And I can't read her. I get THE assumption yours can't follow suit either. Even couples WHO know A another best And to have has been together For decades will Never get he all RIGHT. Were not spirit readers! But I believe God intentionally created We This path For A reason.

In Can, I was going through A stressful time. Identifier just resigned Since education, had surgery, And assisted My First of all in writing conference. A evening In particular, I said My husband I was in trouble has communicate with God And doesn't to have THE mental energy has pray Or read My Bible. He said Me that God always desired has hear Since Me that day. SO he request Me how Identifier feel if he went A entire day without talk has Me. However I obtained insulted has First of all And just research him has to validate THE exhaustion I was feeling, he had A period.

Even However God East G...

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