14 dead and 63 rescued as ship sinks off coast of Brazil - with dozens still missing

A tragic shipping incident ended Thursday with a ship sinking off the coast of Cotijuba, Brazil, killing many and others still missing. Water is believed to have flooded the engine

The rescue effort to save people after a sinking ship (

Image: Jam Press)

Tragically, at least 14 passengers have died and 63 have been rescued after a passenger boat sank off a Brazilian island.

The ship sank off the island of Cotijuba in the state of Para on the morning of September 8.

During the disaster, at least 14 passengers lost their lives and dozens are still missing.

Emergency services managed to rescue 63 passengers, but the cause of the sinking is still under investigation.

According to witnesses, the incident began about two hours after the boat left Marajo Island at 6am, when water began flooding the engine.

Aboard the ship before it sank (


tamping press)

The ship was traveling between the town of Cachoeira do Arari on Marajo Island and the state capital, Belem, and no passengers were wearing life jackets at the time.

Belem City Council said the rescued passengers were taken to the Basic Health Unit (UBS) in Cotijuba, the Urgent Care Unit (UPA) in Icoaraci and the Marambaia health unit.

Among the rescued passengers were elderly people and children.

14 dead and 63 rescued as ship sinks off coast of Brazil - with dozens still missing

A tragic shipping incident ended Thursday with a ship sinking off the coast of Cotijuba, Brazil, killing many and others still missing. Water is believed to have flooded the engine

The rescue effort to save people after a sinking ship (

Image: Jam Press)

Tragically, at least 14 passengers have died and 63 have been rescued after a passenger boat sank off a Brazilian island.

The ship sank off the island of Cotijuba in the state of Para on the morning of September 8.

During the disaster, at least 14 passengers lost their lives and dozens are still missing.

Emergency services managed to rescue 63 passengers, but the cause of the sinking is still under investigation.

According to witnesses, the incident began about two hours after the boat left Marajo Island at 6am, when water began flooding the engine.

Aboard the ship before it sank (


tamping press)

The ship was traveling between the town of Cachoeira do Arari on Marajo Island and the state capital, Belem, and no passengers were wearing life jackets at the time.

Belem City Council said the rescued passengers were taken to the Basic Health Unit (UBS) in Cotijuba, the Urgent Care Unit (UPA) in Icoaraci and the Marambaia health unit.

Among the rescued passengers were elderly people and children.

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