3 things you need to discuss with your team today

Feel like your business is bogged down? Do you feel like you should progress faster, but your team doesn't understand where to focus their time and attention? Are you facing similar issues? It's time to get real and start talking about your business and your goals as a team. And to start, here are three things I suggest you discuss with your team today, and every day after.

1. Discuss what creates value

The first thing you want to do with your team is clarify how people create value within your organization and make that part of the conversation. If your staff, manager, supervisors, and even frontline people don't understand how value is created within your company and how they contribute to it, progress will be stifled. And start the conversation on day one with all your new hires - "of all the jobs you're responsible for, here are the two or three places where you bring the most value in your role. And here's how we measure success in that role And here's how you know you're doing a great job." Not only will your team appreciate the information, but it will really give them a clear path on how to be successful within your business. It is also important to clarify what you can do as a leader to create value. Because this information will help you decide where to focus your time and energy within the company.

2. Be clear on KPIs

The second thing you should discuss with your team is clarifying KPIs. And almost everyone in the business has KPIs that can guide them in day-to-day decisions and resource allocation. Discuss with your team which outcome indicator is most important and which leading indicator(s) you are currently focusing on that will make the most difference. And then check those KPIs often. Ask for them in their weekly reports and indicate how their action items relate to these goals.

3. Stick to it

The last and most important thing you can do with your team has to do with the current company culture: stick with it over time. You are not going to shape the culture in a week, a month, a quarter or even a year. But over the course of two or three years, you will radically change and change the culture. The way you work with culture is to start with yourself and work your way up. So, if as a company you want to improve in creating value and meeting our KPIs, start with yourself and report to your team weekly. Then ask your leadership team to do the same. Then the managers, and finally those who are on the front line. Soon everyone will join us and think in terms of value created rather than hours worked.

Being on the same page as an organization can help you grow in ways you never thought possible, so it's worth it.

3 things you need to discuss with your team today

Feel like your business is bogged down? Do you feel like you should progress faster, but your team doesn't understand where to focus their time and attention? Are you facing similar issues? It's time to get real and start talking about your business and your goals as a team. And to start, here are three things I suggest you discuss with your team today, and every day after.

1. Discuss what creates value

The first thing you want to do with your team is clarify how people create value within your organization and make that part of the conversation. If your staff, manager, supervisors, and even frontline people don't understand how value is created within your company and how they contribute to it, progress will be stifled. And start the conversation on day one with all your new hires - "of all the jobs you're responsible for, here are the two or three places where you bring the most value in your role. And here's how we measure success in that role And here's how you know you're doing a great job." Not only will your team appreciate the information, but it will really give them a clear path on how to be successful within your business. It is also important to clarify what you can do as a leader to create value. Because this information will help you decide where to focus your time and energy within the company.

2. Be clear on KPIs

The second thing you should discuss with your team is clarifying KPIs. And almost everyone in the business has KPIs that can guide them in day-to-day decisions and resource allocation. Discuss with your team which outcome indicator is most important and which leading indicator(s) you are currently focusing on that will make the most difference. And then check those KPIs often. Ask for them in their weekly reports and indicate how their action items relate to these goals.

3. Stick to it

The last and most important thing you can do with your team has to do with the current company culture: stick with it over time. You are not going to shape the culture in a week, a month, a quarter or even a year. But over the course of two or three years, you will radically change and change the culture. The way you work with culture is to start with yourself and work your way up. So, if as a company you want to improve in creating value and meeting our KPIs, start with yourself and report to your team weekly. Then ask your leadership team to do the same. Then the managers, and finally those who are on the front line. Soon everyone will join us and think in terms of value created rather than hours worked.

Being on the same page as an organization can help you grow in ways you never thought possible, so it's worth it.

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