39 Web Browser Usage Statistics: Who is Leading in 2024?

Most of We knew the Internet Explorer (THAT'S TO SAY) Before We knew What A the Web Navigator was. A lot learned about the Web browsers through programs as the Internet Explorer without realize he. But times to have amended And modern users are aware of THE best the Web browsers on THE walk And prefer using them regardless of if they came Pre installed with their system.

In This article, We explore how We to use a few of THE renowned the Web browsers as Google Chromium, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, And Mozilla Firefox.

Towards THE last fold, you go find A the Web Navigator that is not it as popular, but always manages has socket second place In G2 Winter 2024 Grid® Report!

Google Chromium the Web Navigator use statistics

Google Chromium undoubtedly has A significant walk share. It is THE leading the Web Navigator In countries as THE WE, India, And China. He Tops THE list In walk share For desktop computer the Web browsers And several other categories.

Take A look has THE statistics below has develop more knowledge In Google Chromium use.

Google Chromium walk share For desktop computer the Web browsers In 2023 was 66.41% And 66% For mobile the Web browsers. Google Chromium accounted for For 63% global walk share For the Internet browsers In 2023. On average, Google Chromium watch 250 million warnings For malicious websites by month. It is On Navigation service protected on 4 billion people global.

of Google Chromium users find he easy has work.

Source: G2

Google short A Chromium Prime Program that pay ethics the Pirates has perform penetration test And report vulnerabilities For A reward of $30,000. THE 6th most popular Chromium Extension In 2022, LINEAR, was base on ChatGPT. In India, Google Chromium has A 85.84% walk share through all devices. More that 6 In ten people worldwide to use Google Chromium has Browse THE the Internet. 137,345 Chromium extensions are available on THE Chromium the Web Store, along with 39,263 themes. 65.94% of Wyoming residents to use Chromium has Browse THE the Internet. Apple Safari the Web Navigator use statistics

Apple Safari was introduced with Mac Operating system X Panther In January 2003. Steve Jobs previously had THE intention of appellation he "Freedom" And developers research has call he “iBrowse”. There were a lot code names, but Safari stood out. From SO, Apples Safari has come A long path. Here are A little statistics that give We A preview In their journey.

Apples Safari had A 21% walk share In 2023 global. No other Navigator accounts For more that 5% generally walk share. Apples Safari accounts For 25% walk share For mobile the Internet browsers. 19.16% of all the Internet users traveled THE the Web with Safari In 2022.

of Safari users say they are likely has recommend THE the Web Navigator has others.

Source: G2

In THE WE, Safari East THE leading mobile the Web Navigator with on 55.85% of Americans using he on their mobile. 1 In 5 people global get online with Safari as their the Web Navigator. Mozilla Firefox the Web Navigator use statistics

THE First of all version of Mozilla Firefox was released In 2004. As new versions of Firefox came, he won significant popularity on THE years. Notably, Firefox East A non-profit organization; volunteer developers to have contributed on 40% of THE source coded.

Take A look has THE State of use with Mozilla Firefox.

Firefox has on 100,000 installed on Google Pieces Android store. 50% of Mozilla Firefox clients to have A no English version of THE Navigator. 20% of Mozilla Firefox users to have turned improved follow up protection on has block third party follow up cookies.

of Mozilla Firefox visitors rate he 4 Or 5 stars on G2.


39 Web Browser Usage Statistics: Who is Leading in 2024?

Most of We knew the Internet Explorer (THAT'S TO SAY) Before We knew What A the Web Navigator was. A lot learned about the Web browsers through programs as the Internet Explorer without realize he. But times to have amended And modern users are aware of THE best the Web browsers on THE walk And prefer using them regardless of if they came Pre installed with their system.

In This article, We explore how We to use a few of THE renowned the Web browsers as Google Chromium, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, And Mozilla Firefox.

Towards THE last fold, you go find A the Web Navigator that is not it as popular, but always manages has socket second place In G2 Winter 2024 Grid® Report!

Google Chromium the Web Navigator use statistics

Google Chromium undoubtedly has A significant walk share. It is THE leading the Web Navigator In countries as THE WE, India, And China. He Tops THE list In walk share For desktop computer the Web browsers And several other categories.

Take A look has THE statistics below has develop more knowledge In Google Chromium use.

Google Chromium walk share For desktop computer the Web browsers In 2023 was 66.41% And 66% For mobile the Web browsers. Google Chromium accounted for For 63% global walk share For the Internet browsers In 2023. On average, Google Chromium watch 250 million warnings For malicious websites by month. It is On Navigation service protected on 4 billion people global.

of Google Chromium users find he easy has work.

Source: G2

Google short A Chromium Prime Program that pay ethics the Pirates has perform penetration test And report vulnerabilities For A reward of $30,000. THE 6th most popular Chromium Extension In 2022, LINEAR, was base on ChatGPT. In India, Google Chromium has A 85.84% walk share through all devices. More that 6 In ten people worldwide to use Google Chromium has Browse THE the Internet. 137,345 Chromium extensions are available on THE Chromium the Web Store, along with 39,263 themes. 65.94% of Wyoming residents to use Chromium has Browse THE the Internet. Apple Safari the Web Navigator use statistics

Apple Safari was introduced with Mac Operating system X Panther In January 2003. Steve Jobs previously had THE intention of appellation he "Freedom" And developers research has call he “iBrowse”. There were a lot code names, but Safari stood out. From SO, Apples Safari has come A long path. Here are A little statistics that give We A preview In their journey.

Apples Safari had A 21% walk share In 2023 global. No other Navigator accounts For more that 5% generally walk share. Apples Safari accounts For 25% walk share For mobile the Internet browsers. 19.16% of all the Internet users traveled THE the Web with Safari In 2022.

of Safari users say they are likely has recommend THE the Web Navigator has others.

Source: G2

In THE WE, Safari East THE leading mobile the Web Navigator with on 55.85% of Americans using he on their mobile. 1 In 5 people global get online with Safari as their the Web Navigator. Mozilla Firefox the Web Navigator use statistics

THE First of all version of Mozilla Firefox was released In 2004. As new versions of Firefox came, he won significant popularity on THE years. Notably, Firefox East A non-profit organization; volunteer developers to have contributed on 40% of THE source coded.

Take A look has THE State of use with Mozilla Firefox.

Firefox has on 100,000 installed on Google Pieces Android store. 50% of Mozilla Firefox clients to have A no English version of THE Navigator. 20% of Mozilla Firefox users to have turned improved follow up protection on has block third party follow up cookies.

of Mozilla Firefox visitors rate he 4 Or 5 stars on G2.


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