4 Ways Twitter's Edit Button Can Change the Game for Your Business

Ever since I can remember, the most requested feature on Twitter has been an edit button. There aren't many more annoying things than writing that important tweet, only to find out later that you made a typo, which essentially ruined the whole point you were trying to get across.

It is now official that the Edit button is in the works. Here's how you can use this feature for your business.

Maintain the professional level of your company's Twitter account.

Nothing screams against professionalism more than a huge typo in a company's tweet. Truth be told, if a company does it well, they've hired someone to manage their social media, including Twitter. This person should proofread every piece of content they post and typos shouldn't happen very often, but we're all human.

The ability to edit a tweet means that if and when there is a typo and it is caught in time, that typo can easily be corrected, ensuring that the Twitter account of your business is professional and in line with your brand and your positioning as a leader in your space.

Make sure you score correctly.

It seems so trivial, but the fact is, it happens too often. You feature someone on your company blog or maybe highlight them in a tweet and tag them to see the tweet. It's only after you post the tweet that you realize you've mislabeled them, deeming the whole tweet ineffective and essentially worthless.

Until today you had to delete this tweet and rewrite it, which is both inefficient and very unprofessional. Generally speaking, deleting tweets is never a good idea because anyone can just take a screenshot of the original tweet and make you look very unprofessional.

The problem is that when there's a typo in your tweet and you either tag the wrong person or mistype the actual tag, you had no choice until 'until today. Now, if you get caught in time, you can easily fix the tag without deleting the tweet and re-drafting it.

Improve your editing skills.

The ability to read and edit text is an important skill for any professional. Even if you're not a writer and your role requires little or no writing, even if you don't write at all, this is still an important skill that everyone should learn.

Now that you can edit tweets, when you have a few minutes, why not visit your company's Twitter account and make sure there are no typos?

The problem is that the ability to edit is only available after the tweet is posted. Otherwise, this feature could easily be abused, so you'll have to catch the typo quickly in order to edit it, but since you can now edit tweets, there's a chance to hone your editing skills.

Work on your brevity and crystallize your message

By far, the biggest advantage of Twitter as a platform is that it forces you to communicate in a short, precise and concise way.

The truth is, the fear of a tweet causing damage to your brand has even stopped many companies from "going for it". The ability to correct an error and prevent harm will allow more businesses to engage with Twitter while feeling safe and more confident about the dangers of saying something that will cause more harm than good.

Now that you can edit a tweet, more companies will take advantage of the platform and improve the quality of their elevator pitch, which in turn will help the industry as a whole.

Communication is key and Twitter has become a mainstream platform over the past decade, but the lack of ability to correct a mistake or typo has kept many businesses away out of fear brand damage. The Edit button changes...

4 Ways Twitter's Edit Button Can Change the Game for Your Business

Ever since I can remember, the most requested feature on Twitter has been an edit button. There aren't many more annoying things than writing that important tweet, only to find out later that you made a typo, which essentially ruined the whole point you were trying to get across.

It is now official that the Edit button is in the works. Here's how you can use this feature for your business.

Maintain the professional level of your company's Twitter account.

Nothing screams against professionalism more than a huge typo in a company's tweet. Truth be told, if a company does it well, they've hired someone to manage their social media, including Twitter. This person should proofread every piece of content they post and typos shouldn't happen very often, but we're all human.

The ability to edit a tweet means that if and when there is a typo and it is caught in time, that typo can easily be corrected, ensuring that the Twitter account of your business is professional and in line with your brand and your positioning as a leader in your space.

Make sure you score correctly.

It seems so trivial, but the fact is, it happens too often. You feature someone on your company blog or maybe highlight them in a tweet and tag them to see the tweet. It's only after you post the tweet that you realize you've mislabeled them, deeming the whole tweet ineffective and essentially worthless.

Until today you had to delete this tweet and rewrite it, which is both inefficient and very unprofessional. Generally speaking, deleting tweets is never a good idea because anyone can just take a screenshot of the original tweet and make you look very unprofessional.

The problem is that when there's a typo in your tweet and you either tag the wrong person or mistype the actual tag, you had no choice until 'until today. Now, if you get caught in time, you can easily fix the tag without deleting the tweet and re-drafting it.

Improve your editing skills.

The ability to read and edit text is an important skill for any professional. Even if you're not a writer and your role requires little or no writing, even if you don't write at all, this is still an important skill that everyone should learn.

Now that you can edit tweets, when you have a few minutes, why not visit your company's Twitter account and make sure there are no typos?

The problem is that the ability to edit is only available after the tweet is posted. Otherwise, this feature could easily be abused, so you'll have to catch the typo quickly in order to edit it, but since you can now edit tweets, there's a chance to hone your editing skills.

Work on your brevity and crystallize your message

By far, the biggest advantage of Twitter as a platform is that it forces you to communicate in a short, precise and concise way.

The truth is, the fear of a tweet causing damage to your brand has even stopped many companies from "going for it". The ability to correct an error and prevent harm will allow more businesses to engage with Twitter while feeling safe and more confident about the dangers of saying something that will cause more harm than good.

Now that you can edit a tweet, more companies will take advantage of the platform and improve the quality of their elevator pitch, which in turn will help the industry as a whole.

Communication is key and Twitter has become a mainstream platform over the past decade, but the lack of ability to correct a mistake or typo has kept many businesses away out of fear brand damage. The Edit button changes...

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