You need those yogurt cookies

Image for article titled You Need Those Yogurt Cookies Photo: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

Cookies can cause a lot of tension when you suggest tinkering with a traditional recipe. Well, things are about to get awkward. I made cookies with a cup of cherry yogurt and liked it. Frankly, I prefer it to other cookies. I fully understand that some family recipes are great and for some people this recipe will be the only cookie there is. But this cookie recipe is better.


You need those yogurt cookies
Image for article titled You Need Those Yogurt Cookies Photo: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

Cookies can cause a lot of tension when you suggest tinkering with a traditional recipe. Well, things are about to get awkward. I made cookies with a cup of cherry yogurt and liked it. Frankly, I prefer it to other cookies. I fully understand that some family recipes are great and for some people this recipe will be the only cookie there is. But this cookie recipe is better.


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