5 signs your friend is toxic

Friendship. It's a special relationship, isn't it? They seem to be such a big part of our makeup, perhaps in part because we get to choose who we let into our hearts, which impacts our lives. A gentle friend can enrich our lives in so many ways, bringing an array of blessings. However, friendships can also be the relationships that hurt us the most. While some friends come in and change us for the better, others leave us weary or confused.

Proverbs 27:9 states, "Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that produces the fragrant incense of the presence of God." This is the only Bible verse that speaks directly to my heart when I think of friendship.

Did you realize that a gentle friend not only brings joy into our lives, but their love for Jesus is so evident that it also makes us long for a deeper relationship with Jesus ? Praise God for that!

Who doesn't want a friend like that, right? But I guess because you landed here, your heart is heavy and you seek wisdom from a certain "friend". I've been there too, and I'm so sorry you ended up with a friendship in question. Honestly, we all need a little discernment at times when it comes to dealing with certain friends. Especially those that begin to veer off in a direction that makes us uncomfortable.

While we are all a work in progress and bound to make mistakes, it is important to know that there are clear differences between a healthy and an unhealthy (toxic) friendship. Not only will we meet such friends in our lifetimes, but we could most likely be a toxic friend and not realize it. So it's important to look deep within and make sure we're the kind of friend we're also looking for.

But what does "toxic" mean anyway? Well, according to Google, a toxic person is someone whose behavior adds negativity to your life. Well, that seems pretty subjective, as my view of toxicity may be different from yours.

So when we don't know what position to take, we have to seek the Truth. What does God say about toxic people? Two verses caught my eye as I tried to find out His view on this subject:

1 Corinthians 15:33 "Make no mistake: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'"

1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. Rather, repay evil with blessing, for that is what you have been called that you might inherit a blessing."< /p>

Here's what we need to hold on to: God cares deeply about our relationships with others. This is because the business we keep molds and molds us. Our close-knit circle should be those who don't bother us either, for we will take on some of their qualities over time (1 Corinthians 15:33). However, when we encounter people who implicate evil or introduce negativity into our lives, we are called to respond with grace and dignity (1 Peter 3:9). This does not mean that we allow them to continue to abuse us or take advantage of us; it means we forgive them and let them go with grace.

All that said, we need to be able to spot the signs that lead to toxic behaviors that could harm us or, even worse, lead us away from God.

Here are five signs that you may be in a toxic friendship and simple solutions to handle them carefully:

1. Toxic friendships are one-sided; Reciprocal healthy friendships

Friendship is a two-way street. Both bring their stories to the table. It should be a free flow of conversation where the two share and listen to each other. However, often one friend can monopolize the conversation or continue to bring emotional baggage, weighing down the other friend and causing a downward spiral.

Here are some signs your friendship might be one-sided:

They share too much and rarely listen.

You have little room to talk and they rarely ask how you are.

After you leave, you usually feel drained or angry.

2. Toxic friendships know no boundaries; Healthy friendships respect boundaries

Healthy friendships set boundaries. They understand that family and other roles should be prioritized, honored and respect your time. When a friendship begins to overflow and take advantage of your energy or effort, the outcome is usually not good.

Here are some signs that your friendship could...

5 signs your friend is toxic

Friendship. It's a special relationship, isn't it? They seem to be such a big part of our makeup, perhaps in part because we get to choose who we let into our hearts, which impacts our lives. A gentle friend can enrich our lives in so many ways, bringing an array of blessings. However, friendships can also be the relationships that hurt us the most. While some friends come in and change us for the better, others leave us weary or confused.

Proverbs 27:9 states, "Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that produces the fragrant incense of the presence of God." This is the only Bible verse that speaks directly to my heart when I think of friendship.

Did you realize that a gentle friend not only brings joy into our lives, but their love for Jesus is so evident that it also makes us long for a deeper relationship with Jesus ? Praise God for that!

Who doesn't want a friend like that, right? But I guess because you landed here, your heart is heavy and you seek wisdom from a certain "friend". I've been there too, and I'm so sorry you ended up with a friendship in question. Honestly, we all need a little discernment at times when it comes to dealing with certain friends. Especially those that begin to veer off in a direction that makes us uncomfortable.

While we are all a work in progress and bound to make mistakes, it is important to know that there are clear differences between a healthy and an unhealthy (toxic) friendship. Not only will we meet such friends in our lifetimes, but we could most likely be a toxic friend and not realize it. So it's important to look deep within and make sure we're the kind of friend we're also looking for.

But what does "toxic" mean anyway? Well, according to Google, a toxic person is someone whose behavior adds negativity to your life. Well, that seems pretty subjective, as my view of toxicity may be different from yours.

So when we don't know what position to take, we have to seek the Truth. What does God say about toxic people? Two verses caught my eye as I tried to find out His view on this subject:

1 Corinthians 15:33 "Make no mistake: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'"

1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. Rather, repay evil with blessing, for that is what you have been called that you might inherit a blessing."< /p>

Here's what we need to hold on to: God cares deeply about our relationships with others. This is because the business we keep molds and molds us. Our close-knit circle should be those who don't bother us either, for we will take on some of their qualities over time (1 Corinthians 15:33). However, when we encounter people who implicate evil or introduce negativity into our lives, we are called to respond with grace and dignity (1 Peter 3:9). This does not mean that we allow them to continue to abuse us or take advantage of us; it means we forgive them and let them go with grace.

All that said, we need to be able to spot the signs that lead to toxic behaviors that could harm us or, even worse, lead us away from God.

Here are five signs that you may be in a toxic friendship and simple solutions to handle them carefully:

1. Toxic friendships are one-sided; Reciprocal healthy friendships

Friendship is a two-way street. Both bring their stories to the table. It should be a free flow of conversation where the two share and listen to each other. However, often one friend can monopolize the conversation or continue to bring emotional baggage, weighing down the other friend and causing a downward spiral.

Here are some signs your friendship might be one-sided:

They share too much and rarely listen.

You have little room to talk and they rarely ask how you are.

After you leave, you usually feel drained or angry.

2. Toxic friendships know no boundaries; Healthy friendships respect boundaries

Healthy friendships set boundaries. They understand that family and other roles should be prioritized, honored and respect your time. When a friendship begins to overflow and take advantage of your energy or effort, the outcome is usually not good.

Here are some signs that your friendship could...

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