5 startup marketing moves that work even in uncertain times

The opinions expressed by Entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

The startup world is in disarray as I write this, and the economic outlook is not good. Many companies are making massive layoffs, scaling back initiatives, and rethinking their entire approach to sales and marketing. It won't always be that way - it's a cycle - but that doesn't make it much easier while you're going through it. The big question every marketer seems to ask is, "What can we do?"

Start with these five marketing actions for startups. They are an excellent basis for any marketing strategy, even in the best of times, but they are particularly cautious in the worst. Implement them, and when the cycle returns, you may find yourself head and shoulders above your competition.

Related: 5 Marketing Mistakes Startups Must Avoid to Survive

1. Talk to your customers!

When in doubt, talk to your customers. What are they going through, what do they need, and what do they expect to happen in the next three, six, 12 months? What troubles them may be new to you, and what troubles you may not matter to them at all. Here are some questions to start the conversation:

How are things today compared to a year ago?

Do you plan to spend more, less, or about the same in this area?

What is your biggest challenge right now?

What do you think will be the biggest challenge in six months? 12?

What would make you buy this item or upgrade your account?

What would stop you from spending money on this?

What do you particularly like about us? Isn't it?

Use these customer interviews to shape your marketing.

2. Create seamless shopping experiences

The best customer experiences eliminate everything that stands between the customer and making a purchase. "Frictionless" is always a good target, but in uncertain times like these, you need to look for over-the-top ways to eliminate friction.

Some ideas for spinning the gears:

Create a migration tool that allows customers to transfer their data from competitors to you.

Offer something amazing for free or at a massive discount to get people in: your lowest tier plan, onboarding, shipping, a managed service, etc. Hubspot has done this incredibly well during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Display the product or the price, and leave the control in the hands of the buyer.

Do the work for clients: create templates, packages, widgets or something similar that they would normally invest time and energy in.

Thanks to this, you can turn an unpleasant landscape into an excellent opportunity for you and your customers.

Related: 7 Free Steps to Market Your Seeded Startup

3. Communicate clearly and consistently

The companies present are the ones we remember. This is especially true in times of uncertainty, volatility and crisis. The caveat is that you can't just repeat what everyone else is saying. You must lead.

Take a position on a subject, specify your positioning and mess...

5 startup marketing moves that work even in uncertain times

The opinions expressed by Entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

The startup world is in disarray as I write this, and the economic outlook is not good. Many companies are making massive layoffs, scaling back initiatives, and rethinking their entire approach to sales and marketing. It won't always be that way - it's a cycle - but that doesn't make it much easier while you're going through it. The big question every marketer seems to ask is, "What can we do?"

Start with these five marketing actions for startups. They are an excellent basis for any marketing strategy, even in the best of times, but they are particularly cautious in the worst. Implement them, and when the cycle returns, you may find yourself head and shoulders above your competition.

Related: 5 Marketing Mistakes Startups Must Avoid to Survive

1. Talk to your customers!

When in doubt, talk to your customers. What are they going through, what do they need, and what do they expect to happen in the next three, six, 12 months? What troubles them may be new to you, and what troubles you may not matter to them at all. Here are some questions to start the conversation:

How are things today compared to a year ago?

Do you plan to spend more, less, or about the same in this area?

What is your biggest challenge right now?

What do you think will be the biggest challenge in six months? 12?

What would make you buy this item or upgrade your account?

What would stop you from spending money on this?

What do you particularly like about us? Isn't it?

Use these customer interviews to shape your marketing.

2. Create seamless shopping experiences

The best customer experiences eliminate everything that stands between the customer and making a purchase. "Frictionless" is always a good target, but in uncertain times like these, you need to look for over-the-top ways to eliminate friction.

Some ideas for spinning the gears:

Create a migration tool that allows customers to transfer their data from competitors to you.

Offer something amazing for free or at a massive discount to get people in: your lowest tier plan, onboarding, shipping, a managed service, etc. Hubspot has done this incredibly well during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Display the product or the price, and leave the control in the hands of the buyer.

Do the work for clients: create templates, packages, widgets or something similar that they would normally invest time and energy in.

Thanks to this, you can turn an unpleasant landscape into an excellent opportunity for you and your customers.

Related: 7 Free Steps to Market Your Seeded Startup

3. Communicate clearly and consistently

The companies present are the ones we remember. This is especially true in times of uncertainty, volatility and crisis. The caveat is that you can't just repeat what everyone else is saying. You must lead.

Take a position on a subject, specify your positioning and mess...

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