7 Ways New Parents Can Use Their Postpartum Online Calendar

Congratulations, you just had a baby! Welcome to the New Parents Club. You're probably already excited about all of your baby's "firsts." You are probably looking forward to the first flight, the first steps and the first words.

Calendar - Calendar

At the same time, however, you are exhausted. Your baby eats every two hours like clockwork. They may not have a sleep schedule yet. Then there's the random crying. It all comes down to very little sleep for you and your partner.

That may seem like a lot right now. Don't worry, though. You can find a new version of your old life with a little work. It just takes a bit of effort - and planning. Remembering things when you're tired can be difficult. This is where an online on your calendar can be extremely useful.

Keep reading to see how a calendar you carry in your pocket can help restore order to your world.

1. Dress for the day

Whether you have a newborn or a 3 month old, it can be difficult to get everyone ready for the day. After a long night cradling a restless little one, you may prefer to stay in your pajamas. Some days you can, but most days you still have to get up and go. If you prefer to maximize every moment of conviviality, your online calendar can allow you to stick to your schedule.

Find out exactly how much time you need to get ready in the morning. Now add time to dress your baby. Then add some more - you never know when an unexpected diaper rash or spit up will occur. Once you have determined how much time you need, set the daily calendar reminder. You'll be sure to get moving enough in advance to avoid feeling on edge.

2. Be on time for appointments

Do you remember the previously mentioned lack of sleep? It's bound to make you forget more than a handful of things. This effect will persist as long as you are deprived of sleep. This means you'll need frequent reminders set on your calendar and phone to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Appointments with the pediatrician are essential during your baby's first year. Rescheduling if you miss one can be difficult. So, plug all dates and times into your online calendar. Set notifications for the day before and the morning of the visit. This way you will know if your baby is growing well and you will make sure he gets all his vaccinations on time.

You will probably need reminders for yourself too. It could be your own doctor's appointments, lunch with a friend, or a meeting with your older child's teacher. Either way, you don't want to miss it. Use your online calendar to schedule all your activities — and don't forget those reminder alerts!

3. Create signals for workouts

When it comes to new parenthood, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are important for everyone. You already eat your meals when you can. When you add the lack of sleep and lack of energy, it's easy to put on a few pounds. You want to keep up with your baby once they're mobile, right?

Finding time to exercise can be difficult when you probably prefer to nap. Do your best to set yourself up for success, however. Your online calendar is a useful tool here. Go ahead and block some workout time on your calendar and set it to repeat every day.

Maybe it's a morning walk pushing the stroller or watching an aerobics video. You can even find floor exercises that can include your little one. The trick is to pick something you can stick with and dedicate that time slot to it.

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a mom on leave after a birth or adoption, or a dad with a newborn, having a set exercise plan doesn't just keep you in shape. Keeping a daily exercise routine is key to good mental health, so don't forget this important aspect of living and managing your new little one.

4. Take care of yourself

When you're new to parenting, juggling everything you need to do with and for your baby can feel overwhelming. There is so much more to think about now. Check the bath water temperature. Take the changing bag before leaving. Make sure the car seat is tight and secure.

Don't worry if you feel frazzled; it's normal ! It also means that you need to find time to take care of yourself. After a few weeks, your baby will settle into a nap schedule. It's tempting to spend all your sleep time doing the same thing. Instead, use your online calendar to encourage you to do something for yourself.

You don't have to be the same every day. Take two days a week...

7 Ways New Parents Can Use Their Postpartum Online Calendar

Congratulations, you just had a baby! Welcome to the New Parents Club. You're probably already excited about all of your baby's "firsts." You are probably looking forward to the first flight, the first steps and the first words.

Calendar - Calendar

At the same time, however, you are exhausted. Your baby eats every two hours like clockwork. They may not have a sleep schedule yet. Then there's the random crying. It all comes down to very little sleep for you and your partner.

That may seem like a lot right now. Don't worry, though. You can find a new version of your old life with a little work. It just takes a bit of effort - and planning. Remembering things when you're tired can be difficult. This is where an online on your calendar can be extremely useful.

Keep reading to see how a calendar you carry in your pocket can help restore order to your world.

1. Dress for the day

Whether you have a newborn or a 3 month old, it can be difficult to get everyone ready for the day. After a long night cradling a restless little one, you may prefer to stay in your pajamas. Some days you can, but most days you still have to get up and go. If you prefer to maximize every moment of conviviality, your online calendar can allow you to stick to your schedule.

Find out exactly how much time you need to get ready in the morning. Now add time to dress your baby. Then add some more - you never know when an unexpected diaper rash or spit up will occur. Once you have determined how much time you need, set the daily calendar reminder. You'll be sure to get moving enough in advance to avoid feeling on edge.

2. Be on time for appointments

Do you remember the previously mentioned lack of sleep? It's bound to make you forget more than a handful of things. This effect will persist as long as you are deprived of sleep. This means you'll need frequent reminders set on your calendar and phone to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Appointments with the pediatrician are essential during your baby's first year. Rescheduling if you miss one can be difficult. So, plug all dates and times into your online calendar. Set notifications for the day before and the morning of the visit. This way you will know if your baby is growing well and you will make sure he gets all his vaccinations on time.

You will probably need reminders for yourself too. It could be your own doctor's appointments, lunch with a friend, or a meeting with your older child's teacher. Either way, you don't want to miss it. Use your online calendar to schedule all your activities — and don't forget those reminder alerts!

3. Create signals for workouts

When it comes to new parenthood, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are important for everyone. You already eat your meals when you can. When you add the lack of sleep and lack of energy, it's easy to put on a few pounds. You want to keep up with your baby once they're mobile, right?

Finding time to exercise can be difficult when you probably prefer to nap. Do your best to set yourself up for success, however. Your online calendar is a useful tool here. Go ahead and block some workout time on your calendar and set it to repeat every day.

Maybe it's a morning walk pushing the stroller or watching an aerobics video. You can even find floor exercises that can include your little one. The trick is to pick something you can stick with and dedicate that time slot to it.

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a mom on leave after a birth or adoption, or a dad with a newborn, having a set exercise plan doesn't just keep you in shape. Keeping a daily exercise routine is key to good mental health, so don't forget this important aspect of living and managing your new little one.

4. Take care of yourself

When you're new to parenting, juggling everything you need to do with and for your baby can feel overwhelming. There is so much more to think about now. Check the bath water temperature. Take the changing bag before leaving. Make sure the car seat is tight and secure.

Don't worry if you feel frazzled; it's normal ! It also means that you need to find time to take care of yourself. After a few weeks, your baby will settle into a nap schedule. It's tempting to spend all your sleep time doing the same thing. Instead, use your online calendar to encourage you to do something for yourself.

You don't have to be the same every day. Take two days a week...

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