A 3-Step Guide to Attracting Dietitian Clients Using Instagram Reels

By Libby Rothschild, CEO of Dietitian Boss; track on LinkedIn.

When trying to grow your business, you may sometimes feel like you're spending too much time doing things that aren't helping you make the most money. But one thing that can support growth is content marketing, especially on Instagram, as I've written before.

Reels are becoming increasingly popular because they provide viewers with all the necessary information, often without having to read additional text or click on other links. Using Reels is an important step for any business owner or creator trying to sell themselves on social media.

A reel is a video, a collection of images, or both combined in a short vertical video. Reels are usually around a minute (or less) and can include a variety of photos you've taken, with or without people. You can use a reel to show off your skills. While posting photos of your products or services in a still image format is tempting and has its place, using Instagram Reels can be a much better way to engage with customers and promote your business because Instagram's algorithm tends to favor Reels.

Reels are essential to your strategy if you want to attract new clients as a dietitian. Here are some reasons:

• Instagram favors short content. Reels have become vital for businesses because they come in a format that takes up little space but still conveys value (and helps users make an emotional connection). Reels aren't just for companies with big budgets. Many small businesses also find them useful.

• Reels can directly connect potential customers to what they need. If someone sees something on their feed that interests them and would be useful in their life or work, chances are they'll click through to learn more and contact you or purchase your services directly through the link. . Your call to action can give them quick access via social media (meaning less competition).

Reels can help increase conversions on Instagram, which leads to more sales for your business. Below are some tips for creating an Instagram reel.

Step 1: Identify the problem your business can solve

The first step is to identify the problem your business can solve. You want to determine your target customers to make sure you're targeting the right people. Ask yourself who your customers are and what they need. For example, if you are helping people grow their infants (nutrition throughout the life cycle), you probably want to focus on targeting people who want to learn how to feed infants.

Make a list of the main topics discussed by your customers. Genius idea! Write down all the ideas that come to mind from your research and conversations with clients so far, even if they don't seem relevant or worthwhile at the moment. The more ideas you have, the better your chances of finding something that works. Write down two to four themes.

If you're a registered dietitian learning to manage bloating, some topics might be "bloat-free dinner ideas" or "bloat-free grocery list." Once you have your list of themes, creating content around them becomes more manageable.

Next, prioritize these topics into two groups: "must-haves" and "must-haves". Must-haves are the most important things your customer expects from you, while must-haves are secondary concerns that may be addressed later in the buying process, or may not even be relevant to some of your customers. .

Step 2: Create two to five videos per week

Next, you will need to choose a topic for each reel. Create two to five Instagram reels per week and directly address issues for a target audience. The goal is to convert them into customers while increasing your Instagram following and growing your business.

For example, if you are executed...

A 3-Step Guide to Attracting Dietitian Clients Using Instagram Reels

By Libby Rothschild, CEO of Dietitian Boss; track on LinkedIn.

When trying to grow your business, you may sometimes feel like you're spending too much time doing things that aren't helping you make the most money. But one thing that can support growth is content marketing, especially on Instagram, as I've written before.

Reels are becoming increasingly popular because they provide viewers with all the necessary information, often without having to read additional text or click on other links. Using Reels is an important step for any business owner or creator trying to sell themselves on social media.

A reel is a video, a collection of images, or both combined in a short vertical video. Reels are usually around a minute (or less) and can include a variety of photos you've taken, with or without people. You can use a reel to show off your skills. While posting photos of your products or services in a still image format is tempting and has its place, using Instagram Reels can be a much better way to engage with customers and promote your business because Instagram's algorithm tends to favor Reels.

Reels are essential to your strategy if you want to attract new clients as a dietitian. Here are some reasons:

• Instagram favors short content. Reels have become vital for businesses because they come in a format that takes up little space but still conveys value (and helps users make an emotional connection). Reels aren't just for companies with big budgets. Many small businesses also find them useful.

• Reels can directly connect potential customers to what they need. If someone sees something on their feed that interests them and would be useful in their life or work, chances are they'll click through to learn more and contact you or purchase your services directly through the link. . Your call to action can give them quick access via social media (meaning less competition).

Reels can help increase conversions on Instagram, which leads to more sales for your business. Below are some tips for creating an Instagram reel.

Step 1: Identify the problem your business can solve

The first step is to identify the problem your business can solve. You want to determine your target customers to make sure you're targeting the right people. Ask yourself who your customers are and what they need. For example, if you are helping people grow their infants (nutrition throughout the life cycle), you probably want to focus on targeting people who want to learn how to feed infants.

Make a list of the main topics discussed by your customers. Genius idea! Write down all the ideas that come to mind from your research and conversations with clients so far, even if they don't seem relevant or worthwhile at the moment. The more ideas you have, the better your chances of finding something that works. Write down two to four themes.

If you're a registered dietitian learning to manage bloating, some topics might be "bloat-free dinner ideas" or "bloat-free grocery list." Once you have your list of themes, creating content around them becomes more manageable.

Next, prioritize these topics into two groups: "must-haves" and "must-haves". Must-haves are the most important things your customer expects from you, while must-haves are secondary concerns that may be addressed later in the buying process, or may not even be relevant to some of your customers. .

Step 2: Create two to five videos per week

Next, you will need to choose a topic for each reel. Create two to five Instagram reels per week and directly address issues for a target audience. The goal is to convert them into customers while increasing your Instagram following and growing your business.

For example, if you are executed...

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