A beautiful custom calculator built with IV-12 VFD tubes

A beautiful custom calculator built with IV-12 VFD tubes

Arduino Team — June 5th, 2024

Nixie tubes to have has been THE go to option For creators look For retro display aesthetic For a lot years, because their distinct orange shine door A plot of ancient call. But VFD (empty fluorescent display) tubes to have has been earn In popularity recently And to have different — However similar — call. Oscar took advantage of IV-12 VFD tubes has build This beautiful custom calculator.

VFD work as A cross between Nixie tubes And CRT (cathode rays tube). These IV-12 VFD tubes to have Seven segments that shine In A teal/cyan blue color (THANKS has phosphorus) And work has lower (And safer) tensions that Nixie tubes. They are bright And legible, which East Why VFD technology was popular For automobile Dashboards For decades. In This case, Oscar used five of these IV-12 VFD tubes For A custom calculator.

Next to Since those very distinct VFD tubes, This calculator Also has A beautiful drink pregnant And A pretty together of key caps For THE mechanical Cherry MX Brown key switches. THE pregnant East Laser cut plywood with A walnut varnish. Oscar mounted THE switches on A 3D printed base plate.

A Arduino Nano advice bed THE keyboard to input, carried out THE calculations, And poster THE results on THE VFD tubes. A custom PCB simplified THE wiring, including For multiplexing has THE VFD tubes, power Connections Since A lithium battery charger module, And to modify tension through booster And male converters.

This looks fantastic, but there East A caution: he can't display A decimal indicate. A few VFD tubes include A segment For that aim, but THE IV-12 model do not. Even SO, THE calculator East usable For people WHO can deduct Or THE decimal indicate should go. 

A beautiful custom calculator built with IV-12 VFD tubes
A beautiful custom calculator built with IV-12 VFD tubes

Arduino Team — June 5th, 2024

Nixie tubes to have has been THE go to option For creators look For retro display aesthetic For a lot years, because their distinct orange shine door A plot of ancient call. But VFD (empty fluorescent display) tubes to have has been earn In popularity recently And to have different — However similar — call. Oscar took advantage of IV-12 VFD tubes has build This beautiful custom calculator.

VFD work as A cross between Nixie tubes And CRT (cathode rays tube). These IV-12 VFD tubes to have Seven segments that shine In A teal/cyan blue color (THANKS has phosphorus) And work has lower (And safer) tensions that Nixie tubes. They are bright And legible, which East Why VFD technology was popular For automobile Dashboards For decades. In This case, Oscar used five of these IV-12 VFD tubes For A custom calculator.

Next to Since those very distinct VFD tubes, This calculator Also has A beautiful drink pregnant And A pretty together of key caps For THE mechanical Cherry MX Brown key switches. THE pregnant East Laser cut plywood with A walnut varnish. Oscar mounted THE switches on A 3D printed base plate.

A Arduino Nano advice bed THE keyboard to input, carried out THE calculations, And poster THE results on THE VFD tubes. A custom PCB simplified THE wiring, including For multiplexing has THE VFD tubes, power Connections Since A lithium battery charger module, And to modify tension through booster And male converters.

This looks fantastic, but there East A caution: he can't display A decimal indicate. A few VFD tubes include A segment For that aim, but THE IV-12 model do not. Even SO, THE calculator East usable For people WHO can deduct Or THE decimal indicate should go. 

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