"A crop of preservatives so far gone they're as bad as the fruit they left to rot"

Columnist Brian Reade looks back on the last 13 years of Tory rule and says that while shameful decisions were made by Labor before 2010, nothing compares to this talentless firm

Even diehard Tory commentators looked back and admitted that few , if anything, had been achieved since Labor left in 2010 Even die-hard Tory commentators looked back and admitted that little, if anything, had been achieved since Labor left in 2010.

During the 1997 general election, I was told to interview as many members of the future Labor cabinet as they would allow me.

The Mirror wanted to find out not if they could wash themselves well or churn out a good soundbite, but if they had the talent and the courage to deliver the change Britain was crying out for after 18 years of Tory rule.

I had a decent cast choice with the likes of Gordon Brown, Mo Mowlam, Robin Cook, Margaret Beckett, Jack Straw, Clare Short, Harriet Harman, John Prescott and David Blunkett.

And although those 13 years of Labor rule were forever shrouded in shame by the disastrous war in Iraq and I came to hate a few of those great Labor names when their true colors were revealed, they got a lot: peace in Northern Ireland. , decentralization, reconstruction of schools and hospitals, removal of most hereditary peers, introduction of the minimum wage and higher per capita growth than America, France, Germany, Italy and from Japan. For millions of ordinary people, work has been transformative.

So much so that this week, as the current Tory crop exceeds the length of time Labor has been in power, even die-hard Tory commentators have weighed in on austerity, the destruction of the NHS, the rise taxes, growth cut years and admitted that little, if anything, had been accomplished since Labor left in 2010.

But is that any wonder considering the lack of talent of these successive governments? Look again at this list of Labor Ministers and compare it with Dominic Raab, Matt Hancock, Priti Patel, Suella Braverman, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Gavin Williamson, Kwasi Kwarteng, Grant Shapps, Oliver Dowden, Chris Grayling, Nadine Dorries etc.

Virtually all of them robotic, uncharismatic, incompetent, superficial and mostly appointed because their ideology (or lack thereof) fit well with whatever section of the party the PM of the hour belonged to.< /p>

I could fill the rest of this column with naming other abject mediocrities, but you get the picture. A neon-lit image accompanied by a cavalcade of honking clown cars when I mention Liz Truss, who was not only a minister under every Tory leader since 2010, they actually elected her Prime Minister. p>

And that's not to mention the liar-in-chief who engineered a disastrous Brexit so he could climb to the top of the greasy pole.

History will conclude that Britain was never ruled by such a rainstorm of sleazy non-entities, who blamed everyone but themselves for turning a country they claim to love so much more that we woke lefties are a global laughing stock.

They blame the "disconnected elites" for our current economic problems, but convinced that they are above the law and free from accusations of bullying, they seem more elite and disconnected every week.

They say they only failed because of hating the 'blob' of public service while they failed because they weren't up to the job at all and 'they pursued fanciful policies to keep the fruitcake wing of their party happy.

Policies like blocking all immigrants and ensuring that every British job goes to a British worker.

How ironic that the week the Tories came...

"A crop of preservatives so far gone they're as bad as the fruit they left to rot"

Columnist Brian Reade looks back on the last 13 years of Tory rule and says that while shameful decisions were made by Labor before 2010, nothing compares to this talentless firm

Even diehard Tory commentators looked back and admitted that few , if anything, had been achieved since Labor left in 2010 Even die-hard Tory commentators looked back and admitted that little, if anything, had been achieved since Labor left in 2010.

During the 1997 general election, I was told to interview as many members of the future Labor cabinet as they would allow me.

The Mirror wanted to find out not if they could wash themselves well or churn out a good soundbite, but if they had the talent and the courage to deliver the change Britain was crying out for after 18 years of Tory rule.

I had a decent cast choice with the likes of Gordon Brown, Mo Mowlam, Robin Cook, Margaret Beckett, Jack Straw, Clare Short, Harriet Harman, John Prescott and David Blunkett.

And although those 13 years of Labor rule were forever shrouded in shame by the disastrous war in Iraq and I came to hate a few of those great Labor names when their true colors were revealed, they got a lot: peace in Northern Ireland. , decentralization, reconstruction of schools and hospitals, removal of most hereditary peers, introduction of the minimum wage and higher per capita growth than America, France, Germany, Italy and from Japan. For millions of ordinary people, work has been transformative.

So much so that this week, as the current Tory crop exceeds the length of time Labor has been in power, even die-hard Tory commentators have weighed in on austerity, the destruction of the NHS, the rise taxes, growth cut years and admitted that little, if anything, had been accomplished since Labor left in 2010.

But is that any wonder considering the lack of talent of these successive governments? Look again at this list of Labor Ministers and compare it with Dominic Raab, Matt Hancock, Priti Patel, Suella Braverman, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Gavin Williamson, Kwasi Kwarteng, Grant Shapps, Oliver Dowden, Chris Grayling, Nadine Dorries etc.

Virtually all of them robotic, uncharismatic, incompetent, superficial and mostly appointed because their ideology (or lack thereof) fit well with whatever section of the party the PM of the hour belonged to.< /p>

I could fill the rest of this column with naming other abject mediocrities, but you get the picture. A neon-lit image accompanied by a cavalcade of honking clown cars when I mention Liz Truss, who was not only a minister under every Tory leader since 2010, they actually elected her Prime Minister. p>

And that's not to mention the liar-in-chief who engineered a disastrous Brexit so he could climb to the top of the greasy pole.

History will conclude that Britain was never ruled by such a rainstorm of sleazy non-entities, who blamed everyone but themselves for turning a country they claim to love so much more that we woke lefties are a global laughing stock.

They blame the "disconnected elites" for our current economic problems, but convinced that they are above the law and free from accusations of bullying, they seem more elite and disconnected every week.

They say they only failed because of hating the 'blob' of public service while they failed because they weren't up to the job at all and 'they pursued fanciful policies to keep the fruitcake wing of their party happy.

Policies like blocking all immigrants and ensuring that every British job goes to a British worker.

How ironic that the week the Tories came...

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