New intimate wellness company aims to help women with common but overlooked issues

Dr. Beri Ridgeway and Susan Goldsberry are a unique duo in the startup world: Ridgeway, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and Goldsberry, a successful cosmetics and skincare formulator. Through their new company Ina, they seek to address issues that affect nearly 50% of the population at one time or another, but are seldom talked about: vaginal health and comfort.

Goldsberry was caring for her elderly mother, when she realized that there are very few products on the market for women over 55 that treat vaginal dryness, due to the drop in estrogen levels. When she explored drugstore options, they were filled with ingredients she found problematic: chemicals and fragrances that, as a formulator, she knew shouldn't be used on a sensitive area skin.

So she turned to longtime friend Dr. Beri Ridgeway to develop a new line of vaginal care products without these ingredients. In 2018, Goldsberry put the idea to paper, developing the concept, possible product range and branding. In 2019, Goldsberry allocated some of the funds she acquired from her previous job as owner of Benchmark Laboratories, which was sold to KDC/ONE to get Ina started.

This week, they're launching their signature products: a cleanser, balm, oil elixir, hydrating serum, and anti-chafing cream. Selling between $29 and $42 each, they hope to help more women, especially mature women, who want products that are gentle on the vulva.

"These are very common issues that women complain about, but there are so few products made with safe, gentle ingredients," says Dr. Beri Ridgeway. Vulvovaginal dryness can start happening during perimenopause, during menopause, or after menopause, she explains, because women's bodies go through a hormonal change. With less estrogen, the skin in the vulva area can tighten, leading to painful intercourse, general irritation, and general dryness. "Not everyone is a candidate for topical estrogen, and not everyone wants to pursue that. So what are the alternatives?"

For this, Ina recommends her cleanser and serum. But the second common problem, she notes, is somewhat the opposite — excess moisture in the vulva, which can lead to infection or bacterial imbalance. "It could be due to excessive sweating, leaks, or regular pad-wearing, which means the area is often wet," she adds. "When this happens on the thinnest sensitive skin on our bodies, it begins to break down and causes irritation."

She recommends the barrier balm to protect the skin. "It's a safe and unequaled product on the market. Remember that the skin of the vulva is more delicate than the skin of your face."

Goldsberry, which has been formulating for over 40 years, notes that its products are made from 97% natural ingredients and have been clinically tested for safety and effectiveness. But she's also puzzled as to why the industry hasn't released something like this sooner. Part of that, she says, comes down to companies not having the deep knowledge or relationships with their formulators and manufacturers. Since Ina is made in-house and is a seasoned formulator, it's easier for her to identify which ingredients she'd like to avoid and which ones she'd prefer to incorporate.

In fact, much of the collection reads like any other skincare line, infused with botanicals, aloe and other soothing ingredients, she says. But getting there took time; in fact, the barrier balm, she said, went through 50 iterations before arriving at the final formulation. “It's also a matter of feeling. So many products on the market that I have seen did not have a good user experience. They were sticky, sticky, not pleasant to use.”

Although Goldsberry developed Ina with her elderly mother in mind, the products are not limited to mature women. “We say they are for daily or regular use to maintain a healthy vulva. And they are for all women."

New intimate wellness company aims to help women with common but overlooked issues

Dr. Beri Ridgeway and Susan Goldsberry are a unique duo in the startup world: Ridgeway, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and Goldsberry, a successful cosmetics and skincare formulator. Through their new company Ina, they seek to address issues that affect nearly 50% of the population at one time or another, but are seldom talked about: vaginal health and comfort.

Goldsberry was caring for her elderly mother, when she realized that there are very few products on the market for women over 55 that treat vaginal dryness, due to the drop in estrogen levels. When she explored drugstore options, they were filled with ingredients she found problematic: chemicals and fragrances that, as a formulator, she knew shouldn't be used on a sensitive area skin.

So she turned to longtime friend Dr. Beri Ridgeway to develop a new line of vaginal care products without these ingredients. In 2018, Goldsberry put the idea to paper, developing the concept, possible product range and branding. In 2019, Goldsberry allocated some of the funds she acquired from her previous job as owner of Benchmark Laboratories, which was sold to KDC/ONE to get Ina started.

This week, they're launching their signature products: a cleanser, balm, oil elixir, hydrating serum, and anti-chafing cream. Selling between $29 and $42 each, they hope to help more women, especially mature women, who want products that are gentle on the vulva.

"These are very common issues that women complain about, but there are so few products made with safe, gentle ingredients," says Dr. Beri Ridgeway. Vulvovaginal dryness can start happening during perimenopause, during menopause, or after menopause, she explains, because women's bodies go through a hormonal change. With less estrogen, the skin in the vulva area can tighten, leading to painful intercourse, general irritation, and general dryness. "Not everyone is a candidate for topical estrogen, and not everyone wants to pursue that. So what are the alternatives?"

For this, Ina recommends her cleanser and serum. But the second common problem, she notes, is somewhat the opposite — excess moisture in the vulva, which can lead to infection or bacterial imbalance. "It could be due to excessive sweating, leaks, or regular pad-wearing, which means the area is often wet," she adds. "When this happens on the thinnest sensitive skin on our bodies, it begins to break down and causes irritation."

She recommends the barrier balm to protect the skin. "It's a safe and unequaled product on the market. Remember that the skin of the vulva is more delicate than the skin of your face."

Goldsberry, which has been formulating for over 40 years, notes that its products are made from 97% natural ingredients and have been clinically tested for safety and effectiveness. But she's also puzzled as to why the industry hasn't released something like this sooner. Part of that, she says, comes down to companies not having the deep knowledge or relationships with their formulators and manufacturers. Since Ina is made in-house and is a seasoned formulator, it's easier for her to identify which ingredients she'd like to avoid and which ones she'd prefer to incorporate.

In fact, much of the collection reads like any other skincare line, infused with botanicals, aloe and other soothing ingredients, she says. But getting there took time; in fact, the barrier balm, she said, went through 50 iterations before arriving at the final formulation. “It's also a matter of feeling. So many products on the market that I have seen did not have a good user experience. They were sticky, sticky, not pleasant to use.”

Although Goldsberry developed Ina with her elderly mother in mind, the products are not limited to mature women. “We say they are for daily or regular use to maintain a healthy vulva. And they are for all women."

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