Alan Duncan faces expulsion from Conservative Party for attacking 'pro-Israel extremists' Tories

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Former Foreign Secretary Sir Alan Duncan is under investigation by Tory leaders after saying pro-“extremists” Israelis from the party should be expelled because they refused to support international law. Sir Alan said former minister Eric Pickles and his Conservative counterpart Stuart Polak, both members of the powerful Conservative organization of Friends of Israel (CFI), should both be expelled from the party.

The CFI was used to “exert the interests of another country” by lobbying in favor of Israel, a -he said.

He also called Michael Gove, Oliver Dowden, Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick and Priti Patel “extremists”. for failing to denounce illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

Tory headquarters responded by launching an investigation into Sir Alan's comments, which could lead to the dismissal of the party whip .

It comes as the party faces a division over the war in Gaza, with figures including Sir Nicholas Soames, Winston Churchill's grandson, former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind, and Mark Logan, a PPS at the Department for Work and Pensions, among those calling for a suspension of British arms to Israel.

Sir Alan, who resigned as an MP in 2017 , launched an open attack on Israel in an article in The Independent in which he argued it could no longer be considered an ally of the United Kingdom. He then took advantage of an appearance on LBC to demand the dismissal of Security Minister Tom Tugendhat for “not believing in international law”.

Sir Alan Duncan is under investigation. by the Conservative Party (Getty Images)

Sir Alan, when...

Alan Duncan faces expulsion from Conservative Party for attacking 'pro-Israel extremists' Tories
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Former Foreign Secretary Sir Alan Duncan is under investigation by Tory leaders after saying pro-“extremists” Israelis from the party should be expelled because they refused to support international law. Sir Alan said former minister Eric Pickles and his Conservative counterpart Stuart Polak, both members of the powerful Conservative organization of Friends of Israel (CFI), should both be expelled from the party.

The CFI was used to “exert the interests of another country” by lobbying in favor of Israel, a -he said.

He also called Michael Gove, Oliver Dowden, Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick and Priti Patel “extremists”. for failing to denounce illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

Tory headquarters responded by launching an investigation into Sir Alan's comments, which could lead to the dismissal of the party whip .

It comes as the party faces a division over the war in Gaza, with figures including Sir Nicholas Soames, Winston Churchill's grandson, former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind, and Mark Logan, a PPS at the Department for Work and Pensions, among those calling for a suspension of British arms to Israel.

Sir Alan, who resigned as an MP in 2017 , launched an open attack on Israel in an article in The Independent in which he argued it could no longer be considered an ally of the United Kingdom. He then took advantage of an appearance on LBC to demand the dismissal of Security Minister Tom Tugendhat for “not believing in international law”.

Sir Alan Duncan is under investigation. by the Conservative Party (Getty Images)

Sir Alan, when...

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