All Tory MPs in race to replace Boris Johnson as leader so far

Potential successors have already started throwing their hats in the ring to replace Boris Johnson as Tory leader after announcing his resignation.

The outgoing PM has finally accepted his time has come to stand down on Thursday after more than 50 MPs resigned from government and party roles over his conduct.

The MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip has been dogged by a series of scandals while throughout his leadership since 2019, but the final nail in the coffin came after he appeared to promote Tory MP Chris Pincher despite knowledge of the sexual misconduct allegations against him.

Mr. Johnson has said he will remain Prime Minister in an interim role until a new leader of the Conservative Party is announced by the fall.

The competition to succeed Mr Johnson has been described by a Tory politician like the "wacky races" - with up to 15 MPs announcing their candidates or preparing to launch a campaign.

Recommended< img src=" /06/3 0/04/2022-06-29T185823Z_2134226100_RC2T1V9JKE8X_RTRMADP_3_NATO-SUMMIT.JPG?quality=75&width=230&auto=webp" alt="Johnson pledges to spend 2.5% of GDP on defense - follow live" height ="56" width="82" layout ="responsive" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive"/>Johnson is committed to spend 2.5% of its GDP on defense - follow live

To participate, candidates need eight nominations. Candidates must then obtain 5% of the votes to remain in the running - 18 votes - in the first round. They need to get 10%, 36 MPs, in the second round.

Senior Tory MP Sir Charles Walker, vice-chairman of the 1922 Committee of Backbenchers in the 2019 contest, suggested leadership candidates who have 'no hope' of winning should disappear now and help 'clear' the crowded field.

Here are all the Tory MPs who have so far launched leadership campaigns:

Rishi Sunak

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak is a public favorite for the upcoming Conservative leader

(Daniel Leal/AP)

Mr. Sunak entered the Tory leadership race promising to "rebuild trust" after multiple Boris Johnson scandals, but with a warning that the country cannot afford early tax cuts.

The former Chancellor also hinted that he would end the 'culture wars', the current Prime Minister relished the fights, promising: "We've had enough of division."

< p>Surprising a march on his rivals, Mr. y responsible candidate, resisting demand for tax cuts.

Mr. Sunak has also launched a website,, which - as The Independent exclusively revealed in January - first appeared in September 2020.

At the time, sources close to Mr Sunak described the claims, as well as those relating to the Chancellor plotting a leadership campaign, as "totally untrue".

Suella Braverman

Attorney General Suella Braverman is among the few to publicly declare her intentions

(Aaron Chown/PA)

Some 12 Hours before Mr Johnson finally accepted the inevitable and announced he was stepping down as Prime Minister, the first candidate to succeed him had

All Tory MPs in race to replace Boris Johnson as leader so far

Potential successors have already started throwing their hats in the ring to replace Boris Johnson as Tory leader after announcing his resignation.

The outgoing PM has finally accepted his time has come to stand down on Thursday after more than 50 MPs resigned from government and party roles over his conduct.

The MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip has been dogged by a series of scandals while throughout his leadership since 2019, but the final nail in the coffin came after he appeared to promote Tory MP Chris Pincher despite knowledge of the sexual misconduct allegations against him.

Mr. Johnson has said he will remain Prime Minister in an interim role until a new leader of the Conservative Party is announced by the fall.

The competition to succeed Mr Johnson has been described by a Tory politician like the "wacky races" - with up to 15 MPs announcing their candidates or preparing to launch a campaign.

Recommended< img src=" /06/3 0/04/2022-06-29T185823Z_2134226100_RC2T1V9JKE8X_RTRMADP_3_NATO-SUMMIT.JPG?quality=75&width=230&auto=webp" alt="Johnson pledges to spend 2.5% of GDP on defense - follow live" height ="56" width="82" layout ="responsive" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive"/>Johnson is committed to spend 2.5% of its GDP on defense - follow live

To participate, candidates need eight nominations. Candidates must then obtain 5% of the votes to remain in the running - 18 votes - in the first round. They need to get 10%, 36 MPs, in the second round.

Senior Tory MP Sir Charles Walker, vice-chairman of the 1922 Committee of Backbenchers in the 2019 contest, suggested leadership candidates who have 'no hope' of winning should disappear now and help 'clear' the crowded field.

Here are all the Tory MPs who have so far launched leadership campaigns:

Rishi Sunak

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak is a public favorite for the upcoming Conservative leader

(Daniel Leal/AP)

Mr. Sunak entered the Tory leadership race promising to "rebuild trust" after multiple Boris Johnson scandals, but with a warning that the country cannot afford early tax cuts.

The former Chancellor also hinted that he would end the 'culture wars', the current Prime Minister relished the fights, promising: "We've had enough of division."

< p>Surprising a march on his rivals, Mr. y responsible candidate, resisting demand for tax cuts.

Mr. Sunak has also launched a website,, which - as The Independent exclusively revealed in January - first appeared in September 2020.

At the time, sources close to Mr Sunak described the claims, as well as those relating to the Chancellor plotting a leadership campaign, as "totally untrue".

Suella Braverman

Attorney General Suella Braverman is among the few to publicly declare her intentions

(Aaron Chown/PA)

Some 12 Hours before Mr Johnson finally accepted the inevitable and announced he was stepping down as Prime Minister, the first candidate to succeed him had

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