Amid Record Dry Powder, VCs Are Determined To Fund All But You

Rebecca Szkutak 10 hours

If you had to sum up the 2022 venture capital market in one word, that word might be contradictions.

Venture capital funds have a record dry powder (deployable capital available) and yet funding continues to steadily decline. There's apparently more talk than ever about supporting women and people of color in the industry, and yet the numbers are pointing in the opposite direction. Venture capitalists have publicly stated that they focus on companies on the road to profitability, but that wasn't true for a minute.

So while many venture capitalists have said they will invest virtually nothing this year waiting for valuations to fall, this is, again, largely untrue.

What appears to be true, however, is that some VCs are using this year's uncertainty as an excuse to avoid doing the work it takes to discuss valuations and assess TAM on potential investments in companies with real customers. Because they don't support anyone, they support everyone but you.

Amid Record Dry Powder, VCs Are Determined To Fund All But You

Rebecca Szkutak 10 hours

If you had to sum up the 2022 venture capital market in one word, that word might be contradictions.

Venture capital funds have a record dry powder (deployable capital available) and yet funding continues to steadily decline. There's apparently more talk than ever about supporting women and people of color in the industry, and yet the numbers are pointing in the opposite direction. Venture capitalists have publicly stated that they focus on companies on the road to profitability, but that wasn't true for a minute.

So while many venture capitalists have said they will invest virtually nothing this year waiting for valuations to fall, this is, again, largely untrue.

What appears to be true, however, is that some VCs are using this year's uncertainty as an excuse to avoid doing the work it takes to discuss valuations and assess TAM on potential investments in companies with real customers. Because they don't support anyone, they support everyone but you.

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