Announcing “Intercom Customer Service Trends Report for 2024”

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⚡️ Ready has dive right In THE knowledge? Get THE report →

Customer support teams will remember 2023 as THE year that All changed.

In just 12 month, generative AI went Since be A emerging possibility has A stops you in your tracks, stop everything phenomenon. It is transform THE customer service landscape has lightning speed, And title In 2024, THE race For competitive advantage East GOOD And Really lit.

Support teams to have had A first row seat has This AI revolution, And For OUR fourth annual Customer Service Tendencies Report, We research has to understand just how a lot of A impact THE transformation has had.

"We interrogates more that 2,000 customer service professionals through A range of Locations, the roles, And business sizes – And discovered a few gripping information"

HAS find out, We interrogates more that 2,000 customer service professionals through A range of Locations, the roles, And business sizes – And discovered a few gripping knowledge. From tackle higher than ever customer expectations has manufacturing big bet investments, support teams are gear up has capitalize on THE immense opportunity that lies in front.

Service Trends Customer Report 2024 - Horizontal

Here is What We discovered AI has Already influence customer expectations – And they are upper that Never. NOW that clients know how AI can improve their support experience, they are not willing has wait around For Nothing less. AI adoption jumped up In 2023, And watch No sign of to slow down. Almost half of customer support teams are Already using AI, And that orient yourself East together has continue to the top, with 70% of Level C support executives planning has invest In AI For customer service In 2024. AI is future For support jobs, but only THE monotone, repetitive rooms. AI East changing THE nature of support work And create new career opportunities For humans. But, There is A perception gap between leaders And their teams When he come has role evolution – which needs has be address In order has get support representatives fully bought In. Support teams are be detained back by tools that were built For THE pass, And they are reevaluate their technology batteries. The latest generation tools are not going has cut he In This new age of customer service, which East Why 65% of Level C support executives are look has new platforms, tools, And technology specifically as A result of AI. Out with THE old, In with THE new. Success looks different In A AI first world, And THE manners of measure he are changing. Old metric won't help You meet new opportunities, SO support teams need has redefine how they measure And report on heart metric And KPIs has get A TRUE measure ...

Announcing “Intercom Customer Service Trends Report for 2024”
Intercom Customer Service Trends Report Blog Hero Image

⚡️ Ready has dive right In THE knowledge? Get THE report →

Customer support teams will remember 2023 as THE year that All changed.

In just 12 month, generative AI went Since be A emerging possibility has A stops you in your tracks, stop everything phenomenon. It is transform THE customer service landscape has lightning speed, And title In 2024, THE race For competitive advantage East GOOD And Really lit.

Support teams to have had A first row seat has This AI revolution, And For OUR fourth annual Customer Service Tendencies Report, We research has to understand just how a lot of A impact THE transformation has had.

"We interrogates more that 2,000 customer service professionals through A range of Locations, the roles, And business sizes – And discovered a few gripping information"

HAS find out, We interrogates more that 2,000 customer service professionals through A range of Locations, the roles, And business sizes – And discovered a few gripping knowledge. From tackle higher than ever customer expectations has manufacturing big bet investments, support teams are gear up has capitalize on THE immense opportunity that lies in front.

Service Trends Customer Report 2024 - Horizontal

Here is What We discovered AI has Already influence customer expectations – And they are upper that Never. NOW that clients know how AI can improve their support experience, they are not willing has wait around For Nothing less. AI adoption jumped up In 2023, And watch No sign of to slow down. Almost half of customer support teams are Already using AI, And that orient yourself East together has continue to the top, with 70% of Level C support executives planning has invest In AI For customer service In 2024. AI is future For support jobs, but only THE monotone, repetitive rooms. AI East changing THE nature of support work And create new career opportunities For humans. But, There is A perception gap between leaders And their teams When he come has role evolution – which needs has be address In order has get support representatives fully bought In. Support teams are be detained back by tools that were built For THE pass, And they are reevaluate their technology batteries. The latest generation tools are not going has cut he In This new age of customer service, which East Why 65% of Level C support executives are look has new platforms, tools, And technology specifically as A result of AI. Out with THE old, In with THE new. Success looks different In A AI first world, And THE manners of measure he are changing. Old metric won't help You meet new opportunities, SO support teams need has redefine how they measure And report on heart metric And KPIs has get A TRUE measure ...

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