At least six Britons killed in Israel and 10 missing, says Rishi Sunak

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At least six British citizens have been killed in Israel while 10 others are missing, Rishi Sunak told the House of Commons on Monday, calling the Hamas attacks a "pogrom The prime minister said the “barbaric” attacks on the people of Israel had “shocked the world”, adding: “We should call it what it is: it was a pogrom . »

Mr. Sunak said Britain stood with Israel as he reiterated his support for the country's right to defend itself as it prepares to "go after Hamas [and] take back the hostages" with a ground invasion of Gaza.

The prime minister also called for “all possible precautions to avoid harm to civilians” – arguing that Israel's military effort to destroy Hamas “must be carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law.”

His intervention came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled that a long and bloody battle lay ahead, warning that “victory may take time.” , but that his forces were ready and "rushing forward."

Speaking to the Israeli parliament on Monday, he urged Western allies to come together. behind Israel: “I say to our friends… Our war is your war. If we do not form a united front, it will affect you too.

“Victory will take time. There will be difficult times. There will be pitfalls. Sacrifices will be necessary."

Mr Netanyahu compared Hamas to the Nazis and accused its allies, Iran and the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah, of wanting to return the Middle East to " the abyss of barbaric fanaticism. called on Israel and Egypt to open the Rafah border crossing to allow urgent humanitarian supplies.

“We must support the Palestinian people because they are also victims of Hamas” , saying the group does not “represent” the people of Gaza.

“We must ensure that humanitarian aid reaches civilians in Gaza – this requires Egypt and Israel to authorize the arrival of the help they so desperately need. »


At least six Britons killed in Israel and 10 missing, says Rishi Sunak
IndyEatSign up to receive the e -mail View from Westminster for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive offers, events and updates by email updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

At least six British citizens have been killed in Israel while 10 others are missing, Rishi Sunak told the House of Commons on Monday, calling the Hamas attacks a "pogrom The prime minister said the “barbaric” attacks on the people of Israel had “shocked the world”, adding: “We should call it what it is: it was a pogrom . »

Mr. Sunak said Britain stood with Israel as he reiterated his support for the country's right to defend itself as it prepares to "go after Hamas [and] take back the hostages" with a ground invasion of Gaza.

The prime minister also called for “all possible precautions to avoid harm to civilians” – arguing that Israel's military effort to destroy Hamas “must be carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law.”

His intervention came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled that a long and bloody battle lay ahead, warning that “victory may take time.” , but that his forces were ready and "rushing forward."

Speaking to the Israeli parliament on Monday, he urged Western allies to come together. behind Israel: “I say to our friends… Our war is your war. If we do not form a united front, it will affect you too.

“Victory will take time. There will be difficult times. There will be pitfalls. Sacrifices will be necessary."

Mr Netanyahu compared Hamas to the Nazis and accused its allies, Iran and the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah, of wanting to return the Middle East to " the abyss of barbaric fanaticism. called on Israel and Egypt to open the Rafah border crossing to allow urgent humanitarian supplies.

“We must support the Palestinian people because they are also victims of Hamas” , saying the group does not “represent” the people of Gaza.

“We must ensure that humanitarian aid reaches civilians in Gaza – this requires Egypt and Israel to authorize the arrival of the help they so desperately need. »


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