When anger meets love...

angerIt's Otto in writing Today And I to want has share A history about A of THE most difficult days of My life In THE hope that he will be useful has You. Enjoy…

He was about 9:30 a.m. p.m. on A SATURDAY night And My son was SO completed with anger, upset And rage because of a few disagreement he had just had with her mother that When he arrived has OUR House, I stopped him And wouldn't it be to leave him come in.

This was 17 years There is. My son was 18 And about has enter college And After A plot of late at night discussions And introspection, Susie And I agreed that he could move In with us.

We figurative We had THE additional space In THE House We were life In has THE time And he would be to safeguard My son A plot of money on accommodation Since THE college he selected was only about A twenty minute car roll.

He had has been ten years Since My the son mother And I had divide up And even However Susie And My son had A GOOD relationship during those years, moving In with We was not only going has test their relationship but would be test My relationship with him And Susie as well.

Become A "blend family" East No little feat And with What arrived between My son, Susie, And Me THE night he was program has move In do Me think This was all A big error – especially her apparently uncontrolled anger.

That SATURDAY night, My son completed her car with All he was going has need In THE short term And do THE 40 minute to drive has Or Susie And I lived has THE time.

I knew there was going has be A issue THE moment I saw him.

When he obtained out of THE car, he slammed THE Drivers side door SO violently that I thought he was going has screw up THE the Windows In her car.

I pushed THE button has open THE garage door has to leave him In And When he obtained has THE screen door that directed has THE inside of THE House, he balance he open with SO a lot force, We thought he (Or he) could punch A hole In THE drywall In THE garage Or worse.

I thought This was bad but When Susie saw all that was going on with him She said "He can't come In here as that. He is going has hurt someone, tear up THE House Or both" And I OK.

Upset And angry myself–I encounter him has THE door, allowed myself A moment has calm myself down, walk him back out And said him he had has find A path has get A handle on himself Before he could come in.

This was important because he was A of those definition moments In My life Or (maybe For THE First of all time Since THE divorce) I stood My solid ground with him And has THE even time watch up as total love In THE moment.

HAS This day, I am always not Of course What was going on between him And her mother but has get A socket of himself, he took A long to walk around THE block And was disappeared For What seemed as forever.

When he income, I hugged him And said him I love him And he just cry And cried.

My son lived with Susie And I For on four years, which was THE entire time he was going has college And SO some.

There were a lot of communication challenges When none of We could get along And there were a lot of times When OUR new life arrangement was totally awesome And communication was easy.

This East life. This East love. And This East Also part of THE natural reflux And to flow of relationships.

Not only did I to want has TO DO All I could has to feed A close, magnet relationship with My son, I Also research has TO DO All In My power has keep love, passion And connection with Susie alive And growth as well.

I think I did that.

Not only TO DO I always to have A Really GOOD relationship with My son, but Susie And I are closer, more connected And more In love After be together For on 22 years as We were In THE beginning of OUR relationship.

What are THE keys?

-A thing I can say without hesitation East that communication has has been A of THE keys has all of This it works.

When things obtained difficult, THE commitment has not run far, has not hide, has continue has open as love And THE will has to have difficult conversation even When You would be prefer has just not to have has agreement with anybody Or Nothing do all THE difference.

-Another key East be All right with interior hustle that come Since fearful thought about THE pass And What could arrive In THE future.

When I allow THE hustle, My own anger Or never mind emotion that come up inside Me has pass through Me without attach Also a lot meaning has that…

When I turn My to focus has What ...

When anger meets love...

angerIt's Otto in writing Today And I to want has share A history about A of THE most difficult days of My life In THE hope that he will be useful has You. Enjoy…

He was about 9:30 a.m. p.m. on A SATURDAY night And My son was SO completed with anger, upset And rage because of a few disagreement he had just had with her mother that When he arrived has OUR House, I stopped him And wouldn't it be to leave him come in.

This was 17 years There is. My son was 18 And about has enter college And After A plot of late at night discussions And introspection, Susie And I agreed that he could move In with us.

We figurative We had THE additional space In THE House We were life In has THE time And he would be to safeguard My son A plot of money on accommodation Since THE college he selected was only about A twenty minute car roll.

He had has been ten years Since My the son mother And I had divide up And even However Susie And My son had A GOOD relationship during those years, moving In with We was not only going has test their relationship but would be test My relationship with him And Susie as well.

Become A "blend family" East No little feat And with What arrived between My son, Susie, And Me THE night he was program has move In do Me think This was all A big error – especially her apparently uncontrolled anger.

That SATURDAY night, My son completed her car with All he was going has need In THE short term And do THE 40 minute to drive has Or Susie And I lived has THE time.

I knew there was going has be A issue THE moment I saw him.

When he obtained out of THE car, he slammed THE Drivers side door SO violently that I thought he was going has screw up THE the Windows In her car.

I pushed THE button has open THE garage door has to leave him In And When he obtained has THE screen door that directed has THE inside of THE House, he balance he open with SO a lot force, We thought he (Or he) could punch A hole In THE drywall In THE garage Or worse.

I thought This was bad but When Susie saw all that was going on with him She said "He can't come In here as that. He is going has hurt someone, tear up THE House Or both" And I OK.

Upset And angry myself–I encounter him has THE door, allowed myself A moment has calm myself down, walk him back out And said him he had has find A path has get A handle on himself Before he could come in.

This was important because he was A of those definition moments In My life Or (maybe For THE First of all time Since THE divorce) I stood My solid ground with him And has THE even time watch up as total love In THE moment.

HAS This day, I am always not Of course What was going on between him And her mother but has get A socket of himself, he took A long to walk around THE block And was disappeared For What seemed as forever.

When he income, I hugged him And said him I love him And he just cry And cried.

My son lived with Susie And I For on four years, which was THE entire time he was going has college And SO some.

There were a lot of communication challenges When none of We could get along And there were a lot of times When OUR new life arrangement was totally awesome And communication was easy.

This East life. This East love. And This East Also part of THE natural reflux And to flow of relationships.

Not only did I to want has TO DO All I could has to feed A close, magnet relationship with My son, I Also research has TO DO All In My power has keep love, passion And connection with Susie alive And growth as well.

I think I did that.

Not only TO DO I always to have A Really GOOD relationship with My son, but Susie And I are closer, more connected And more In love After be together For on 22 years as We were In THE beginning of OUR relationship.

What are THE keys?

-A thing I can say without hesitation East that communication has has been A of THE keys has all of This it works.

When things obtained difficult, THE commitment has not run far, has not hide, has continue has open as love And THE will has to have difficult conversation even When You would be prefer has just not to have has agreement with anybody Or Nothing do all THE difference.

-Another key East be All right with interior hustle that come Since fearful thought about THE pass And What could arrive In THE future.

When I allow THE hustle, My own anger Or never mind emotion that come up inside Me has pass through Me without attach Also a lot meaning has that…

When I turn My to focus has What ...

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