Avoid going to these places if you want to help the environment

2022 has been a terrible year for the weather.

Across Europe, severe heat waves have killed more than 16,000 people, nearly 1,700 dead in floods in Pakistan and 109 dead in the United States.

From January to September 2022, catastrophic weather events caused nearly $37 billion in damage worldwide, according to insurance broker Aon.

Many factors contribute to , including , which is responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

While this may boost and let's face it, most of us enjoy going on vacation (especially post-Covid), there are some destinations you should reconsider visiting.

Fodor's Travel Guide has released its annual "No List" for 2023, which highlights "natural attractions that could benefit from a break to heal and rejuvenate; cultural hotspots that are plagued by overpopulation and depletion of resources; and places around the world impacted immediately and dramatically by crises."

Here's a look at some of the places they suggest you avoid next year.

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Cliffs and French coastline

The French coastline is eroding under the onslaught of tourists. Places like Étretat, Normandy, a scenic location that has attracted many Impressionist painters, have been particularly hard hit. Fodor reports that regular foot traffic along the white cliffs causes frequent landslides.

The situation has become so untenable that even government officials are asking tourists to stay away. “We need tourism, but we have to find a balance,” said Jean-Baptiste Renié, municipal councilor of Étretat. Many of them [tourists] leave angry after spending several hours in the car without being able to find a parking lot, a place to eat or a toilet because there is not enough infrastructure."

Lake Tahoe, California

During the pandemic, people have flocked to this beautiful place nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They didn't leave. The result was a mass of humanity and traffic polluting the area and its pristine lake.

Community leaders and residents became so concerned that they created an organization called The League to Save Lake Tahoe with a mission to protect the "environmental health" of the Lake Tahoe basin.

According to their website, "Heavy traffic crushes Tahoe's roads into fine dust and debris and pumps exhaust emissions into the air. When it rains or snow melts, stormwater carries these fines pollution particles in the lake, obscuring its cobalt blue waters.”

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Venice, Italy

With its historic canals, ancient monuments and fine cuisine, Venice is one of the most popular destinations in the world. But therein lies the problem. The city in the water was not built for so many tourists.

Fodor's reports a ratio of 370 visitors per capita per year.

Venice was already prone to flooding and rising sea levels, and the millions of tourists who descend on the city each year exacerbate the problem. Local authorities have introduced laws to ward off the hordes, including banning cruise ships from the city center. And from next year, Venice will charge an entrance fee just to enter the city.

Cornwall, England

Cornwall is popular for its mild climate, spectacular beaches and unique culture. But like many old towns, the infrastructure cannot accommodate so many visitors.

"Narrow lanes passing for roads and limited parking spaces at some of the county's most popular sites combine to create traffic congestion, pollution and litter," one resident told Fodor's.


Fodor's blacklist did not target a specific part of Thailand: it warned people against the whole country. Why?

"Popular bucket list destination Maya Bay,...

Avoid going to these places if you want to help the environment

2022 has been a terrible year for the weather.

Across Europe, severe heat waves have killed more than 16,000 people, nearly 1,700 dead in floods in Pakistan and 109 dead in the United States.

From January to September 2022, catastrophic weather events caused nearly $37 billion in damage worldwide, according to insurance broker Aon.

Many factors contribute to , including , which is responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

While this may boost and let's face it, most of us enjoy going on vacation (especially post-Covid), there are some destinations you should reconsider visiting.

Fodor's Travel Guide has released its annual "No List" for 2023, which highlights "natural attractions that could benefit from a break to heal and rejuvenate; cultural hotspots that are plagued by overpopulation and depletion of resources; and places around the world impacted immediately and dramatically by crises."

Here's a look at some of the places they suggest you avoid next year.

Related: Climate Change Nearly Threatened The Plight Of This Thanksgiving Staple

Cliffs and French coastline

The French coastline is eroding under the onslaught of tourists. Places like Étretat, Normandy, a scenic location that has attracted many Impressionist painters, have been particularly hard hit. Fodor reports that regular foot traffic along the white cliffs causes frequent landslides.

The situation has become so untenable that even government officials are asking tourists to stay away. “We need tourism, but we have to find a balance,” said Jean-Baptiste Renié, municipal councilor of Étretat. Many of them [tourists] leave angry after spending several hours in the car without being able to find a parking lot, a place to eat or a toilet because there is not enough infrastructure."

Lake Tahoe, California

During the pandemic, people have flocked to this beautiful place nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They didn't leave. The result was a mass of humanity and traffic polluting the area and its pristine lake.

Community leaders and residents became so concerned that they created an organization called The League to Save Lake Tahoe with a mission to protect the "environmental health" of the Lake Tahoe basin.

According to their website, "Heavy traffic crushes Tahoe's roads into fine dust and debris and pumps exhaust emissions into the air. When it rains or snow melts, stormwater carries these fines pollution particles in the lake, obscuring its cobalt blue waters.”

Related: This solar-powered Florida town was built to withstand hurricanes. Did it work?

Venice, Italy

With its historic canals, ancient monuments and fine cuisine, Venice is one of the most popular destinations in the world. But therein lies the problem. The city in the water was not built for so many tourists.

Fodor's reports a ratio of 370 visitors per capita per year.

Venice was already prone to flooding and rising sea levels, and the millions of tourists who descend on the city each year exacerbate the problem. Local authorities have introduced laws to ward off the hordes, including banning cruise ships from the city center. And from next year, Venice will charge an entrance fee just to enter the city.

Cornwall, England

Cornwall is popular for its mild climate, spectacular beaches and unique culture. But like many old towns, the infrastructure cannot accommodate so many visitors.

"Narrow lanes passing for roads and limited parking spaces at some of the county's most popular sites combine to create traffic congestion, pollution and litter," one resident told Fodor's.


Fodor's blacklist did not target a specific part of Thailand: it warned people against the whole country. Why?

"Popular bucket list destination Maya Bay,...

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