Ayodele Casel performers at the Center showcase the next generation of tap dancing stars

New York Puerto Rican dancer Ayodele Casel is one of the reigning queens of New York tap dancing. Dance producer Torya Beard is the other side of the coin.

Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center
Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center reel

Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center is basically Ayodele and Friends performing six world premiere tap dance commissions at New York City Center that show off all that tap dancing can be Today. It's more than you think.

This is a crop of some of today's best young tap dancers. Tap dancing comes from the African diaspora, but there are forms of tap dancing all over the world. And these artists are New Yorkers from all over. Is that cool?

Brinae Ali

Ayodele Casel performers at the Center showcase the next generation of tap dancing stars

New York Puerto Rican dancer Ayodele Casel is one of the reigning queens of New York tap dancing. Dance producer Torya Beard is the other side of the coin.

Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center
Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center reel

Ayodele Casel Artists at the Center is basically Ayodele and Friends performing six world premiere tap dance commissions at New York City Center that show off all that tap dancing can be Today. It's more than you think.

This is a crop of some of today's best young tap dancers. Tap dancing comes from the African diaspora, but there are forms of tap dancing all over the world. And these artists are New Yorkers from all over. Is that cool?

Brinae Ali

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