International Roma Day celebrates the community that created flamenco

International Romani Day on April 8 famous Rome culture around THE world.

Romani People
International Roma Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

International Roma Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

International Romani Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

Romani were initially traveling court the musicians In THE Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab And Sindh Regions of What East NOW north India And Pakistan. There are always Romani communities there.

In THE Medium Age, a lot migrated West And ruler In Turkey, from South France, Spain, And through Europe. THE British thought THE Romani came Since Egypt And called THE community A slang form of "Egyptian," but THE word East NOW considered A racial connection. There are Romani Egyptians, but THE Romani came has Western Europe by A north itinerary through THE Balkans And From South Europe, And A from South itinerary through Arab land And North Africa.

A lot Americans confuse Romani with Romanian. There are Romani the Romanians, but THE two the peoples to have different heritage.

In THE 1800s, a lot Romani moved has THE United States And Brazil. “Cien Years of Solitude" (100 Years of Solitude), THE masterpiece of Colombian Nobel Prize Winner author Gabriel Garcia Brand....

International Roma Day celebrates the community that created flamenco

International Romani Day on April 8 famous Rome culture around THE world.

Romani People
International Roma Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

International Roma Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

International Romani Day (Elina Zolotareva/Dreamstime)

Romani were initially traveling court the musicians In THE Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab And Sindh Regions of What East NOW north India And Pakistan. There are always Romani communities there.

In THE Medium Age, a lot migrated West And ruler In Turkey, from South France, Spain, And through Europe. THE British thought THE Romani came Since Egypt And called THE community A slang form of "Egyptian," but THE word East NOW considered A racial connection. There are Romani Egyptians, but THE Romani came has Western Europe by A north itinerary through THE Balkans And From South Europe, And A from South itinerary through Arab land And North Africa.

A lot Americans confuse Romani with Romanian. There are Romani the Romanians, but THE two the peoples to have different heritage.

In THE 1800s, a lot Romani moved has THE United States And Brazil. “Cien Years of Solitude" (100 Years of Solitude), THE masterpiece of Colombian Nobel Prize Winner author Gabriel Garcia Brand....

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