Baby squirrels fall from their nest in search of relief during the scorching heatwave

Nuts hard to crack! Hundreds of baby squirrels are rescued by wildlife rescuers after falling from trees during the scorching Bay Area heatwave. Bay Area wildlife hospitals were recently inundated with baby squirrels who fell from their nests in search of rescue during the scorching heatwave. Their nests are built to hold heat to keep them warm on cold nights, but when they try to crawl they fall to the ground. Broken teeth, split lips, dehydration and hyperthermia are some of the most common injuries. most common seen at WildCare in San Rafael Medical interventions include administering them subcutaneously with fluids, carefully cooling them and giving them hydrating electrolytes Updated: 10:41 PM BST, 15 Sep 2022

Wildlife hospitals in the Bay Area have recently been inundated with baby squirrels who have fallen out of their nests in search of rescue from the scorching heatwave.

A squirrel nest is built to contain heat, so baby squirrels are warm on cool nights, but the nests get incredibly hot when temperatures soar.

When baby squirrels try to crawl, they topple out of the nest and onto the overheated ground. Squirrels, which usually spend the first four months of their life in a nest, eventually get injured.

'In addition to the usual injuries we see in fallen baby squirrels (broken teeth and split lips being the most common -- baby squirrels have big heads, so they almost always land face first!), our medical staff had to treat the symptoms of hyperthermia in the baby squirrels and all the patients we admitted that week,' said Alison Hermance, director communications from WildCare in San Rafael, to via email.

Baby squirrels fall from their nest in search of relief during the scorching heatwave
Nuts hard to crack! Hundreds of baby squirrels are rescued by wildlife rescuers after falling from trees during the scorching Bay Area heatwave. Bay Area wildlife hospitals were recently inundated with baby squirrels who fell from their nests in search of rescue during the scorching heatwave. Their nests are built to hold heat to keep them warm on cold nights, but when they try to crawl they fall to the ground. Broken teeth, split lips, dehydration and hyperthermia are some of the most common injuries. most common seen at WildCare in San Rafael Medical interventions include administering them subcutaneously with fluids, carefully cooling them and giving them hydrating electrolytes Updated: 10:41 PM BST, 15 Sep 2022

Wildlife hospitals in the Bay Area have recently been inundated with baby squirrels who have fallen out of their nests in search of rescue from the scorching heatwave.

A squirrel nest is built to contain heat, so baby squirrels are warm on cool nights, but the nests get incredibly hot when temperatures soar.

When baby squirrels try to crawl, they topple out of the nest and onto the overheated ground. Squirrels, which usually spend the first four months of their life in a nest, eventually get injured.

'In addition to the usual injuries we see in fallen baby squirrels (broken teeth and split lips being the most common -- baby squirrels have big heads, so they almost always land face first!), our medical staff had to treat the symptoms of hyperthermia in the baby squirrels and all the patients we admitted that week,' said Alison Hermance, director communications from WildCare in San Rafael, to via email.

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