Biden in UN speech calls for action on Ukraine and other crises

President Biden on Tuesday sought to rally the world in support of Ukraine and warned against appeasing Moscow in a way that would reward its aggression and encourage the use of the strength to redraw the world map.

The president used his annual speech to the United Nations General Assembly to try to combat war weariness, both at home and abroad. foreign, even as Republicans in the House of Representatives in Washington delay any additional military aid. to Ukraine and key nations around the world are staying away from or even facilitating the Kremlin's war.

"Russia thinks the world will tire and allow him to brutalize Ukraine without consequence,” Mr. Biden said as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky looked on from the audience. “But I ask you this: If we abandon the fundamental principles” of the United Nations Charter “for appease an aggressor, can any member state of this body be assured of protection? If we allow Ukraine to divide, is the independence of a nation assured? I respectfully suggest that the The answer is no."

“We must resist this blatant aggression today to deter other potential aggressors tomorrow,” Mr. Biden continued. “It is why the United States, alongside our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stand with the courageous people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity – and their freedom. »

Mr. Zelensky delivered his own emotional speech shortly afterward, telling the assembled leaders and diplomats that President Vladimir V. Putin's war against Ukraine was also a war against all their nations. He accused Moscow of using food, energy and even children as a weapon, with disastrous effects not only in his country but in the farthest corners of the world.

“The goal of the present war against Ukraine is to turn our land, our people, our lives, our resources into a weapon against you, against the rules-based international order,” said Mr. Zelensky, speaking in English and wearing one of his olive green military emblems. stylish shirts. “We have to stop this,” he added. “We must act united to defeat the aggressor. »

He rejected efforts to negotiate a peace deal without Ukraine's participation, which he called "shady behind-the-scenes dealings." Calling Russia an unreliable partner, he cited the recent death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary leader who challenged Mr. Putin. “Evil cannot be trusted,” Mr. Zelensky said. "Ask Prigozhin if we are betting on Putin's promises."

Mr. Biden and Mr. Zelensky received loud applause from some delegations in the room, but many others did. not applaud. Mr. Putin, the subject of an arrest warrant for war crimes issued by the International Criminal Court, did not come to New York for the annual opening session, but his envoy sat instead at the Russia during Mr. Zelensky's speech, taking notes or looking at his phone.

Mr. Zelensky was expected to address the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday with a plan to deter war even after fighting at home ends, then he will travel to Washington, where he will meet with Mr. Biden at the White House on Thursday. , passing through the Pentagon and will travel to Capitol Hill to advocate for continued aid.

Unlike his first war trip to Washington last winter, he will not speak at a joint meeting of Congress and will encounter more resistance. among some far-right Republicans in the House who are trying to block Mr. Biden's demand for an additional $24 billion in aid. Critics of additional aid argue that the war is not central to the American national interest and that the money would be better spent at home on border security or other priorities.

President Kevin McCarthy responded. » abruptly when asked about America's commitment to Ukraine. “Is Zelensky elected to Congress? Is he our president? I don't think I should do anything and I think I have some questions for him," he told reporters on Capitol Hill.

"Where is the responsibility regarding the money we have I already did it...

Biden in UN speech calls for action on Ukraine and other crises

President Biden on Tuesday sought to rally the world in support of Ukraine and warned against appeasing Moscow in a way that would reward its aggression and encourage the use of the strength to redraw the world map.

The president used his annual speech to the United Nations General Assembly to try to combat war weariness, both at home and abroad. foreign, even as Republicans in the House of Representatives in Washington delay any additional military aid. to Ukraine and key nations around the world are staying away from or even facilitating the Kremlin's war.

"Russia thinks the world will tire and allow him to brutalize Ukraine without consequence,” Mr. Biden said as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky looked on from the audience. “But I ask you this: If we abandon the fundamental principles” of the United Nations Charter “for appease an aggressor, can any member state of this body be assured of protection? If we allow Ukraine to divide, is the independence of a nation assured? I respectfully suggest that the The answer is no."

“We must resist this blatant aggression today to deter other potential aggressors tomorrow,” Mr. Biden continued. “It is why the United States, alongside our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stand with the courageous people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity – and their freedom. »

Mr. Zelensky delivered his own emotional speech shortly afterward, telling the assembled leaders and diplomats that President Vladimir V. Putin's war against Ukraine was also a war against all their nations. He accused Moscow of using food, energy and even children as a weapon, with disastrous effects not only in his country but in the farthest corners of the world.

“The goal of the present war against Ukraine is to turn our land, our people, our lives, our resources into a weapon against you, against the rules-based international order,” said Mr. Zelensky, speaking in English and wearing one of his olive green military emblems. stylish shirts. “We have to stop this,” he added. “We must act united to defeat the aggressor. »

He rejected efforts to negotiate a peace deal without Ukraine's participation, which he called "shady behind-the-scenes dealings." Calling Russia an unreliable partner, he cited the recent death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary leader who challenged Mr. Putin. “Evil cannot be trusted,” Mr. Zelensky said. "Ask Prigozhin if we are betting on Putin's promises."

Mr. Biden and Mr. Zelensky received loud applause from some delegations in the room, but many others did. not applaud. Mr. Putin, the subject of an arrest warrant for war crimes issued by the International Criminal Court, did not come to New York for the annual opening session, but his envoy sat instead at the Russia during Mr. Zelensky's speech, taking notes or looking at his phone.

Mr. Zelensky was expected to address the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday with a plan to deter war even after fighting at home ends, then he will travel to Washington, where he will meet with Mr. Biden at the White House on Thursday. , passing through the Pentagon and will travel to Capitol Hill to advocate for continued aid.

Unlike his first war trip to Washington last winter, he will not speak at a joint meeting of Congress and will encounter more resistance. among some far-right Republicans in the House who are trying to block Mr. Biden's demand for an additional $24 billion in aid. Critics of additional aid argue that the war is not central to the American national interest and that the money would be better spent at home on border security or other priorities.

President Kevin McCarthy responded. » abruptly when asked about America's commitment to Ukraine. “Is Zelensky elected to Congress? Is he our president? I don't think I should do anything and I think I have some questions for him," he told reporters on Capitol Hill.

"Where is the responsibility regarding the money we have I already did it...

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