Bill Cosby sued by actress Joan Tarshis for alleged sexual assault

bill cosby

Bill cosby East focused towards Again another trial on alleged sexual assault -- only This time, It is Since A women WHO years There is had A infamous clumsy interview with Put on Lemon about her complaints.

THE actor East appointed In A new suit that was deposit by Jane Tarshis -- who is A actress And ancient comedy writer -- And She downright accused cosby of grated ... This After affirming he drug her on two different occasions back In THE early 70s.

Joan Tarshis


In her documents, got by TMZ, Tarshis said She First of all encounter cosby has THE age of 19 through A mutual friend ... And obtained guest has THE studio Or they filmed THE 'Cosby To show' For A face to face in writing session.

She complaints while alone with cosby In her private bungalow there on THE plot, cosby gave her A drink, which She accepted And consumes ... only has to start feeling dizzy shortly After. Tarshis said She quickly pass out, And wake up up has cosby to undress her.

Bill Cosby 1970


Tarshis said She was disoriented while She try struggle cosby disabled, And complaints he mastered her ... force her penis In her mouth without consent.

Bill Cosby sued by actress Joan Tarshis for alleged sexual assault
bill cosby

Bill cosby East focused towards Again another trial on alleged sexual assault -- only This time, It is Since A women WHO years There is had A infamous clumsy interview with Put on Lemon about her complaints.

THE actor East appointed In A new suit that was deposit by Jane Tarshis -- who is A actress And ancient comedy writer -- And She downright accused cosby of grated ... This After affirming he drug her on two different occasions back In THE early 70s.

Joan Tarshis


In her documents, got by TMZ, Tarshis said She First of all encounter cosby has THE age of 19 through A mutual friend ... And obtained guest has THE studio Or they filmed THE 'Cosby To show' For A face to face in writing session.

She complaints while alone with cosby In her private bungalow there on THE plot, cosby gave her A drink, which She accepted And consumes ... only has to start feeling dizzy shortly After. Tarshis said She quickly pass out, And wake up up has cosby to undress her.

Bill Cosby 1970


Tarshis said She was disoriented while She try struggle cosby disabled, And complaints he mastered her ... force her penis In her mouth without consent.

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