Bipartisan Congressional Efforts Aim to Ease Access to Medical Marijuana for Veterans


THE last bipartisan push In Congress has address cannabis reform come as related to cannabis amendments has A large scale expenses Invoice covering Military Construction, Veterans Business And Related Agencies (MilConVA) For THE 2025 tax year that were deposit recently.

THE measure Since Representatives. Brian Mast (R-FL), county Blumenauer (GOLDEN), Barbara Lee (D-CA) And Dave Joyce (R-OH) seek has enable Veterans has take part In State medical marijuana programs And has It is points of support In THE Veterans Equal To access Act. THE proposal would be Also abolish A directive that bars THE WE. Department of Veterans Business doctors Since deliverance cannabis recommendations.

Another submitted proposal, supported by representative Robert Garcia (D-CA), would be put A END has THE GO practical of A requirement For job candidates In A State Or cannabis East legal has undergo A marijuana screening Before get employee, reported Marijuana Just a moment.

Members of THE Home Rules Committee are program has to weigh In on THE propose changes has THE MilConVA Invoice following week, Before title has THE ground.

See Also: Veterans' Letter HAS President Biden Look for Fast Marijuana Rescheduling And Federal Legalization

In the meantime, THE Home Committee on Veterans' Business approved A pair of cannabis And psychedelics invoices In April. Committee members unanimously vote In service of both proposals as part of A wrap with other invoices, reported Marijuana Just a moment.

Earlier This year Home Veterans Business Health subcommittee  discussed THE two measures concerning medical marijuana And psychedelics For Veterans And heard a testimony Since Veterans service organizations advocating For THE reforms.

NOW read: Study: ten% Of WE. Veterinarians Consume Marijuana, Defense Department Urged HAS Study Cannabis As Opioid Substitute

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

Bipartisan Congressional Efforts Aim to Ease Access to Medical Marijuana for Veterans

THE last bipartisan push In Congress has address cannabis reform come as related to cannabis amendments has A large scale expenses Invoice covering Military Construction, Veterans Business And Related Agencies (MilConVA) For THE 2025 tax year that were deposit recently.

THE measure Since Representatives. Brian Mast (R-FL), county Blumenauer (GOLDEN), Barbara Lee (D-CA) And Dave Joyce (R-OH) seek has enable Veterans has take part In State medical marijuana programs And has It is points of support In THE Veterans Equal To access Act. THE proposal would be Also abolish A directive that bars THE WE. Department of Veterans Business doctors Since deliverance cannabis recommendations.

Another submitted proposal, supported by representative Robert Garcia (D-CA), would be put A END has THE GO practical of A requirement For job candidates In A State Or cannabis East legal has undergo A marijuana screening Before get employee, reported Marijuana Just a moment.

Members of THE Home Rules Committee are program has to weigh In on THE propose changes has THE MilConVA Invoice following week, Before title has THE ground.

See Also: Veterans' Letter HAS President Biden Look for Fast Marijuana Rescheduling And Federal Legalization

In the meantime, THE Home Committee on Veterans' Business approved A pair of cannabis And psychedelics invoices In April. Committee members unanimously vote In service of both proposals as part of A wrap with other invoices, reported Marijuana Just a moment.

Earlier This year Home Veterans Business Health subcommittee  discussed THE two measures concerning medical marijuana And psychedelics For Veterans And heard a testimony Since Veterans service organizations advocating For THE reforms.

NOW read: Study: ten% Of WE. Veterinarians Consume Marijuana, Defense Department Urged HAS Study Cannabis As Opioid Substitute

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

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