'Weak, useless, rich idiot': new poll condemns Rishi Sunak ahead of next election

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Rishi Sunak's fading hopes of retaining power suffered another humiliating setback after a new poll showed voters viewed him as a 'weak, useless idiot and rich."

The verdict of conservative voters on the Prime Minister is almost as distressing. Asked to name their “ideal” party leader, Conservative supporters chose Boris Johnson, followed by Margaret Thatcher, who died 11 years ago, and Nigel Farage ahead of Mr Sunak.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer fares slightly better with all voters, considered “weak and boring”, but also “honest and competent”.

But unlike Mr Sunak, Sir Keir enjoys strong support from his own supporters: the majority of Labor voters see him as their "ideal" leader - with no appetite for long-dead predecessors like Tony Blair.

Voters said they thought Rishi Sunak was a “weak, useless, rich idiot”

( JL Partners)

The damning portrait of Mr Sunak, whose Conservative Party is 20 per cent behind Labor in recent polls, was painted in a survey by polling firm JL Partners. A total of 2,105 people participated in the survey on March 9 and 10.

Asked to summarize each leader in one word, the ten most commonly chosen words by all voters to describe M . Sunak, in order of popularity, are: "Weak, useless, rich, untrustworthy, incompetent, bad, idiot, worthless, liar, smart."

< p>Conservative supporters would always prefer Boris Johnson

(Getty Images)

Political leaders could generally count on their own supporters to be more sympathetic to them, said James Johnson, co-founder of JL Partners, but not Mr Sunak.

Those who voted Conservative in the 2019 election were almost as insulting, struggling to find a single good thing to say to his subject.

Mr. Johnson said the "word cloud" survey conducted last weekend explains "the serious decline in Rishi Sunak's ratings" among the electorate since he became prime minister almost 18 months ago.

< p>2019 Labor voters asked to describe Keir Starmer in one word

(JL Partners)

'Weak, useless, rich idiot': new poll condemns Rishi Sunak ahead of next election
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Rishi Sunak's fading hopes of retaining power suffered another humiliating setback after a new poll showed voters viewed him as a 'weak, useless idiot and rich."

The verdict of conservative voters on the Prime Minister is almost as distressing. Asked to name their “ideal” party leader, Conservative supporters chose Boris Johnson, followed by Margaret Thatcher, who died 11 years ago, and Nigel Farage ahead of Mr Sunak.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer fares slightly better with all voters, considered “weak and boring”, but also “honest and competent”.

But unlike Mr Sunak, Sir Keir enjoys strong support from his own supporters: the majority of Labor voters see him as their "ideal" leader - with no appetite for long-dead predecessors like Tony Blair.

Voters said they thought Rishi Sunak was a “weak, useless, rich idiot”

( JL Partners)

The damning portrait of Mr Sunak, whose Conservative Party is 20 per cent behind Labor in recent polls, was painted in a survey by polling firm JL Partners. A total of 2,105 people participated in the survey on March 9 and 10.

Asked to summarize each leader in one word, the ten most commonly chosen words by all voters to describe M . Sunak, in order of popularity, are: "Weak, useless, rich, untrustworthy, incompetent, bad, idiot, worthless, liar, smart."

< p>Conservative supporters would always prefer Boris Johnson

(Getty Images)

Political leaders could generally count on their own supporters to be more sympathetic to them, said James Johnson, co-founder of JL Partners, but not Mr Sunak.

Those who voted Conservative in the 2019 election were almost as insulting, struggling to find a single good thing to say to his subject.

Mr. Johnson said the "word cloud" survey conducted last weekend explains "the serious decline in Rishi Sunak's ratings" among the electorate since he became prime minister almost 18 months ago.

< p>2019 Labor voters asked to describe Keir Starmer in one word

(JL Partners)

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