Boris Johnson had 'up to £800,000 in credit' to fund a lavish life 'with the help of a distant cousin'

New claims have emerged over the spendthrift former prime minister's unusual financial arrangements, despite his salary of £159,000 and earnings of more than a year. million pounds since leaving

Boris Johnson on the phone with Tory MPs after returning from the Dominican Republic in October Boris Johnson on the phone with Tory MPs after returning from the Dominican Republic in October (

Image: Facebook)

Boris Johnson's distant Canadian cousin, a big spender, helped him access an £800,000 credit facility and a luxury villa in the Caribbean, it has been claimed today.< /p>

The arrangement allowed the former Tory leader to fund his lavish lifestyle while at No 10 and immediately after, according to the Sunday Times.

Millionaire Sam Blyth acted as guarantor for up to £800,000 in credit to fund the ex-Prime Minister's 'living expenses', it has been reported.

Separately, Mr Blyth - a friend of former Prime Minister Stanley's father - reportedly gave Mr Johnson and his wife Carrie free use of his luxury villa in the Dominican Republic, normally rented out until $5,000/night.

Mr. Johnson returned from the Caribbean haven in October in a short-lived bid to return to Downing Street when Liz Truss was ousted.

Mr Johnson's spokesman declined to say how much, if any, of the £800,000 credit he had drawn.

He added: "Boris Johnson did not take out a loan from Sam Blyth. There was no '£800,000 loan'.

With a costly divorce from ex-wife Marina and at least seven children, Boris Johnson has repeatedly relied on benefactors - despite his £159,000 salary as Prime Minister and earning over £100,000. £1million since leaving No10.

Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie ahead of number 10 in September .jpg
Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie in front of number 10 in September (


Getty Images)

He enlisted the help of Tory donor Lord Brownlow for a £112,000 refurbishment of the Downing Street flat - before funding it out of his own pocket after an outcry.

Similarly, he and his wife Carrie have had their accommodation funded by Tory billionaire donor Lord Bamford since he was sacked from office.

Senior civil servants have had conversations about the risk that the Prime Minister will not be able to pay his annual tax bill, the Sunday Times reported.


Boris Johnson had 'up to £800,000 in credit' to fund a lavish life 'with the help of a distant cousin'

New claims have emerged over the spendthrift former prime minister's unusual financial arrangements, despite his salary of £159,000 and earnings of more than a year. million pounds since leaving

Boris Johnson on the phone with Tory MPs after returning from the Dominican Republic in October Boris Johnson on the phone with Tory MPs after returning from the Dominican Republic in October (

Image: Facebook)

Boris Johnson's distant Canadian cousin, a big spender, helped him access an £800,000 credit facility and a luxury villa in the Caribbean, it has been claimed today.< /p>

The arrangement allowed the former Tory leader to fund his lavish lifestyle while at No 10 and immediately after, according to the Sunday Times.

Millionaire Sam Blyth acted as guarantor for up to £800,000 in credit to fund the ex-Prime Minister's 'living expenses', it has been reported.

Separately, Mr Blyth - a friend of former Prime Minister Stanley's father - reportedly gave Mr Johnson and his wife Carrie free use of his luxury villa in the Dominican Republic, normally rented out until $5,000/night.

Mr. Johnson returned from the Caribbean haven in October in a short-lived bid to return to Downing Street when Liz Truss was ousted.

Mr Johnson's spokesman declined to say how much, if any, of the £800,000 credit he had drawn.

He added: "Boris Johnson did not take out a loan from Sam Blyth. There was no '£800,000 loan'.

With a costly divorce from ex-wife Marina and at least seven children, Boris Johnson has repeatedly relied on benefactors - despite his £159,000 salary as Prime Minister and earning over £100,000. £1million since leaving No10.

Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie ahead of number 10 in September .jpg
Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie in front of number 10 in September (


Getty Images)

He enlisted the help of Tory donor Lord Brownlow for a £112,000 refurbishment of the Downing Street flat - before funding it out of his own pocket after an outcry.

Similarly, he and his wife Carrie have had their accommodation funded by Tory billionaire donor Lord Bamford since he was sacked from office.

Senior civil servants have had conversations about the risk that the Prime Minister will not be able to pay his annual tax bill, the Sunday Times reported.


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