'Brexit regret': 30% of Leave voters want closer EU relations

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Nearly one in three voters want the UK to have a closer post-Brexit relationship with the EU, according to a new poll.

In a sign of 'Brexit regret', 30% of Leave voters said Britain should now forge closer ties with Brussels, while only 13% want the country to be further away.

Some 47% of all voters favor a closer relationship with the bloc, compared to 14% who want to be more distant, the Savanta ComRes survey for PoliticsHome found.< /p>

"The fact that more outgoing people told us they would like a closer relationship with the EU than those who would like a more distant relationship with the EU is really interesting," said the Savanta's political director, Chris Hopkins.

The pollster added, "While the idea isn't necessarily proven, it plays into whispers of Brexit regret. "a detectable majority in favor of EU membership" over the last 12 months.

"It is very difficult to sell the idea that politics has been an economic success when the economy is collapsing," Professor Curtice said. "It's a fundamental problem for the government and for party supporters."

The Savanta ComRes poll also found that nearly one in three people (29%) say Brexit is the main reason for job shortages affecting hospitality, agriculture and the NHS.

Around 34% of respondents said Brexit was partly to blame for the problem, while 25% did not think that that's one reason for the problem.

"There's definitely a sense that the process was botched and that the benefits promised to the Leavers didn't really materialize," Mr. Hopkins said.

Only one in three who voted for Brexit six years ago think it was a success, according to the latest YouGov poll. Overall, only 15% of voters thought Brexit was a success, while 53% thought it was a failure.

YouGov also found that if another Brexit referendum EU membership were to take place, 47% would vote to join and 34% would vote to stay, while 10% did not know and 8% would not vote.

In October, a Redfield poll and Wilton Strategies found record support for reversing Brexit at 57%, compared to just 43%...

'Brexit regret': 30% of Leave voters want closer EU relations
IndyEatSign up for our free email at Brexit and beyond for the latest headlines on what Brexit means for the UKSign up to our Brexit email for the latest newsPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI want to be notified by email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}An error has occurred. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

Nearly one in three voters want the UK to have a closer post-Brexit relationship with the EU, according to a new poll.

In a sign of 'Brexit regret', 30% of Leave voters said Britain should now forge closer ties with Brussels, while only 13% want the country to be further away.

Some 47% of all voters favor a closer relationship with the bloc, compared to 14% who want to be more distant, the Savanta ComRes survey for PoliticsHome found.< /p>

"The fact that more outgoing people told us they would like a closer relationship with the EU than those who would like a more distant relationship with the EU is really interesting," said the Savanta's political director, Chris Hopkins.

The pollster added, "While the idea isn't necessarily proven, it plays into whispers of Brexit regret. "a detectable majority in favor of EU membership" over the last 12 months.

"It is very difficult to sell the idea that politics has been an economic success when the economy is collapsing," Professor Curtice said. "It's a fundamental problem for the government and for party supporters."

The Savanta ComRes poll also found that nearly one in three people (29%) say Brexit is the main reason for job shortages affecting hospitality, agriculture and the NHS.

Around 34% of respondents said Brexit was partly to blame for the problem, while 25% did not think that that's one reason for the problem.

"There's definitely a sense that the process was botched and that the benefits promised to the Leavers didn't really materialize," Mr. Hopkins said.

Only one in three who voted for Brexit six years ago think it was a success, according to the latest YouGov poll. Overall, only 15% of voters thought Brexit was a success, while 53% thought it was a failure.

YouGov also found that if another Brexit referendum EU membership were to take place, 47% would vote to join and 34% would vote to stay, while 10% did not know and 8% would not vote.

In October, a Redfield poll and Wilton Strategies found record support for reversing Brexit at 57%, compared to just 43%...

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