5-year-old boy dies in front of his parents after being hit by a reversing car while on family vacation

Little Jack Brown was traveling with his mother Carla, father Jim and eight-year-old brother to Blackbutt North in Queensland, Australia when tragedy struck

250w ", https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article30520197.ece/ALTERNATES/r500/0_Jack-Brown.jpg 500w alt="Jack was only five years old" content="https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article30520197.ece/ALTERNATES/n615/0_Jack-Brown.jpg" width="160" height="90"/> Jack was only five years old (

Image: Gofundme)

A five-year-old boy died when he was run over in front of his horrified parents during a family camping holiday.

Little Jack Brown was traveling with his mother Carla, father Jim and eight-year-old brother to Blackbutt North in Queensland, Australia when tragedy struck.

He was playing behind a car when it began to back up and hit him around 9am on Monday July 3 in an accident described as "every parent's worst nightmare".

The little boy's funeral has already taken place. A, set up by family friend Sara Beath, to support the grieving trio, fetched almost AU$40,000, or around £21,000.

She wrote: "Tragically on the morning of Monday July 3, 2023, while camping during the school holidays on a friend's property, Jim and Carla's 5-year-old son, Jack, was tragically hit by a vehicle and died.

Jack and daddy Jim
Jack and dad Jim (


Jack with his mum Carla
Jack with his mom Carla (



"This tragedy is absolutely incomprehensible and beyond unbearable for Jim and Carla, and everyone involved. Jack's passing leaves an insurmountable path for Jim, Carla and 8-year-old Parker.

"Sadly, this go fund me has been set up to enable those who rally around Jim, Carla and Parker at this devastating time to contribute towards any expenses they will incur as a result of this unimaginable tragedy.

“Funds raised will be transferred to Jim and Carla upon receipt. Your generosity is appreciated more than you think xx.”

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5-year-old boy dies in front of his parents after being hit by a reversing car while on family vacation

Little Jack Brown was traveling with his mother Carla, father Jim and eight-year-old brother to Blackbutt North in Queensland, Australia when tragedy struck

250w ", https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article30520197.ece/ALTERNATES/r500/0_Jack-Brown.jpg 500w alt="Jack was only five years old" content="https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article30520197.ece/ALTERNATES/n615/0_Jack-Brown.jpg" width="160" height="90"/> Jack was only five years old (

Image: Gofundme)

A five-year-old boy died when he was run over in front of his horrified parents during a family camping holiday.

Little Jack Brown was traveling with his mother Carla, father Jim and eight-year-old brother to Blackbutt North in Queensland, Australia when tragedy struck.

He was playing behind a car when it began to back up and hit him around 9am on Monday July 3 in an accident described as "every parent's worst nightmare".

The little boy's funeral has already taken place. A, set up by family friend Sara Beath, to support the grieving trio, fetched almost AU$40,000, or around £21,000.

She wrote: "Tragically on the morning of Monday July 3, 2023, while camping during the school holidays on a friend's property, Jim and Carla's 5-year-old son, Jack, was tragically hit by a vehicle and died.

Jack and daddy Jim
Jack and dad Jim (


Jack with his mum Carla
Jack with his mom Carla (



"This tragedy is absolutely incomprehensible and beyond unbearable for Jim and Carla, and everyone involved. Jack's passing leaves an insurmountable path for Jim, Carla and 8-year-old Parker.

"Sadly, this go fund me has been set up to enable those who rally around Jim, Carla and Parker at this devastating time to contribute towards any expenses they will incur as a result of this unimaginable tragedy.

“Funds raised will be transferred to Jim and Carla upon receipt. Your generosity is appreciated more than you think xx.”

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