British student could miss Christmas after getting stuck in Kenya on vacation with friends

Michael Omidire has no personal connection to Kenya, which he was visiting for a week with friends, and may now miss Christmas due to delays of the Ministry of the Interior with his passport< /p> Michael Omidire, UK born and London raised Michael Omidire, who was born in the UK and grew up in London

A British university student has been stranded in Kenya since September, due to Home Office delays with his passport.

Michael Omidire has no personal ties to Kenya and had been in the country for a week's vacation with friends before the start of the new academic term.

He is a second-year Economics and Italian student at Cardiff University, but has since missed a full term of classes due to the ongoing struggle to organize paperwork.

Mr. Omidire, who was born and raised in the UK, traveled to Kenya using his Ghanaian passport and when he attempted to check in for his flight home he was told by airline staff that 'these were not sufficient documents to allow him to take the return flight. in Great Britain.

Close up of British biometric passport cover
Close up of a biometric UK passport cover (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

He has since missed celebrating his 21st birthday with his family in London and is unlikely to be able to return to the UK in time for Christmas.

The student told the Guardian: "I was born in Britain and went to school in Britain. I'm English. It's like a no-brainer - I should be helped get me home.

"It's my first time traveling to Africa. It's been a huge ordeal. I feel like I've been treated more like a foreigner than a British citizen."

He told the Guardian that he was born to a Ghanaian mother and a Nigerian father in Milton Keynes in 2001, so because neither parent was a British citizen he had to go through the process called naturalization to acquire citizenship.< /p>

British student could miss Christmas after getting stuck in Kenya on vacation with friends

Michael Omidire has no personal connection to Kenya, which he was visiting for a week with friends, and may now miss Christmas due to delays of the Ministry of the Interior with his passport< /p> Michael Omidire, UK born and London raised Michael Omidire, who was born in the UK and grew up in London

A British university student has been stranded in Kenya since September, due to Home Office delays with his passport.

Michael Omidire has no personal ties to Kenya and had been in the country for a week's vacation with friends before the start of the new academic term.

He is a second-year Economics and Italian student at Cardiff University, but has since missed a full term of classes due to the ongoing struggle to organize paperwork.

Mr. Omidire, who was born and raised in the UK, traveled to Kenya using his Ghanaian passport and when he attempted to check in for his flight home he was told by airline staff that 'these were not sufficient documents to allow him to take the return flight. in Great Britain.

Close up of British biometric passport cover
Close up of a biometric UK passport cover (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

He has since missed celebrating his 21st birthday with his family in London and is unlikely to be able to return to the UK in time for Christmas.

The student told the Guardian: "I was born in Britain and went to school in Britain. I'm English. It's like a no-brainer - I should be helped get me home.

"It's my first time traveling to Africa. It's been a huge ordeal. I feel like I've been treated more like a foreigner than a British citizen."

He told the Guardian that he was born to a Ghanaian mother and a Nigerian father in Milton Keynes in 2001, so because neither parent was a British citizen he had to go through the process called naturalization to acquire citizenship.< /p>

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