Cindy Morgan Dies: 'Caddyshack' and 'Tron' Actress Was 69

Actress Cindy Morgan, WHO memorable plays A temptress In THE 1980 movie Caddyshack, has deceased In Florida, according to has THE Palm Beach County The sheriff Desk. No cause Or location was given.

Morgan drama show Laced Generally In Caddyshack opposite Chevrolet Hunting, Bill Murray, And Rodney Danger field. She was THE county club the owners niece of which electric seduce capture each males be careful.

Her movie resume understand Tron And Galaxy, Silent Fury, And Up Yours sincerely, among other movies.

Her TV appearances included THE Love Boat, FLEAS, THE Autumn Dude, Falcon Crete, Matlock And more.

In total, She had 37 acting credits.

No details on survivors Or memorials was immediately available.

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Cindy Morgan Dies: 'Caddyshack' and 'Tron' Actress Was 69

Actress Cindy Morgan, WHO memorable plays A temptress In THE 1980 movie Caddyshack, has deceased In Florida, according to has THE Palm Beach County The sheriff Desk. No cause Or location was given.

Morgan drama show Laced Generally In Caddyshack opposite Chevrolet Hunting, Bill Murray, And Rodney Danger field. She was THE county club the owners niece of which electric seduce capture each males be careful.

Her movie resume understand Tron And Galaxy, Silent Fury, And Up Yours sincerely, among other movies.

Her TV appearances included THE Love Boat, FLEAS, THE Autumn Dude, Falcon Crete, Matlock And more.

In total, She had 37 acting credits.

No details on survivors Or memorials was immediately available.

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