Coronation plans 'in chaos' by Prince Andrew's impending legal battle and Harry's memoir

Buckingham Palace has released plans for three days of coronation celebrations in May - with millions around the world set to watch King Charles crowned at Westminster Abbey

The coronation comes just weeks after the prince Harry has released his explosive memoir, 'Spare', revealing intimate details of his crumbling relationship with his family /1_Queen-Elizabeth-II-Platinum-Jubilee-2022-Trooping-The-Colour.jpg The coronation comes just weeks after Prince Harry released his explosive memoir, 'Spare', revealing intimate details of his crumbling relationship with his family (

Image: UK Press via Getty Images)

King Charles' coronation could be 'thrown into chaos' by Prince Andrew's impending legal battle and Harry's explosive memoir, expert says.

Buckingham Palace has released plans for three days of coronation celebrations in May - with millions around the world attending the coronation of King Charles at Westminster Abbey.

The monarch will take center stage on Saturday May 6, after a rocky start to his reign, which saw a deep family feud open in public following a series of revelations and allegations from Prince Harry.

Huge crowds are expected in London for the ceremony on Saturday May 6, which will also see Queen Consort Camilla officially crowned.

However, an expert has claimed the monumental event could be overshadowed by other royal affairs, including Prince Andrew who is considering taking action against his accuser Virginia Giuffre and building a 'war chest' of 10 million pounds.

The disgraced king would like to clear his name after damning links to pedophile and ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein and criminal Ghislaine Maxwell - as well as charges against him.

Coronation plans 'in chaos' by Prince Andrew's impending legal battle and Harry's memoir

Buckingham Palace has released plans for three days of coronation celebrations in May - with millions around the world set to watch King Charles crowned at Westminster Abbey

The coronation comes just weeks after the prince Harry has released his explosive memoir, 'Spare', revealing intimate details of his crumbling relationship with his family /1_Queen-Elizabeth-II-Platinum-Jubilee-2022-Trooping-The-Colour.jpg The coronation comes just weeks after Prince Harry released his explosive memoir, 'Spare', revealing intimate details of his crumbling relationship with his family (

Image: UK Press via Getty Images)

King Charles' coronation could be 'thrown into chaos' by Prince Andrew's impending legal battle and Harry's explosive memoir, expert says.

Buckingham Palace has released plans for three days of coronation celebrations in May - with millions around the world attending the coronation of King Charles at Westminster Abbey.

The monarch will take center stage on Saturday May 6, after a rocky start to his reign, which saw a deep family feud open in public following a series of revelations and allegations from Prince Harry.

Huge crowds are expected in London for the ceremony on Saturday May 6, which will also see Queen Consort Camilla officially crowned.

However, an expert has claimed the monumental event could be overshadowed by other royal affairs, including Prince Andrew who is considering taking action against his accuser Virginia Giuffre and building a 'war chest' of 10 million pounds.

The disgraced king would like to clear his name after damning links to pedophile and ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein and criminal Ghislaine Maxwell - as well as charges against him.

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