Covid-19 infections on the rise in Los Angeles and across the state

THE The bone Angeles County Department of Public Health reports he has seen A very little slight increase In COVID-19 case.

THE department statistics Since Can ten has 15, THE most recent data available, to show A average of 82 has 92 COVID-19 case by day, A increase Since earlier In THE spring.

There were A average of 60 has 80 new case A day between March 25 And Can 9, THERE. County health civil servants said. THE case account don't do it include House tests Or infections among people WHO don't do it test.

THE statistics to show corona virus concentration In waste rising throughout the state.

Covid-19 infections on the rise in Los Angeles and across the state

THE The bone Angeles County Department of Public Health reports he has seen A very little slight increase In COVID-19 case.

THE department statistics Since Can ten has 15, THE most recent data available, to show A average of 82 has 92 COVID-19 case by day, A increase Since earlier In THE spring.

There were A average of 60 has 80 new case A day between March 25 And Can 9, THERE. County health civil servants said. THE case account don't do it include House tests Or infections among people WHO don't do it test.

THE statistics to show corona virus concentration In waste rising throughout the state.

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