Criticism Kills Relationships: Why This Habit Is Toxic

criticism kills relationships

criticism kills relationships

Is it true that criticism kills relationships?

No one wants to stay in a relationship that makes them feel more judged than admired. Yet it's all too common for couples to see the other person as the problem, leading to constant criticism.

And can you guess what happens then? Yes, the death of a relationship. Let's talk more about how criticism kills relationships.

And since the other partner is the problem, the only solution is for them to change...right?

If only they would stop criticizing you and start appreciating everything you do to help the family, things would improve. If only she paid more attention to the house and the children, you wouldn't have to pester her with what needs to be done.

It hurts to be the target of criticism. And it's even worse to feel like you have to harass your partner because your requests are being ignored.

Like you, I have been the target of critical statements such as "you never consider me". I also passed it around and said things like, “You never showed any interest in my entrepreneurial endeavors. You clearly don't care about me…"

Knowing what I know now breaks my heart to see two people in love hurt each other with their words.

How Criticism Kills Relationships

We often use criticism as a form of self-protection. It's much easier to push our partner by telling them they're the ones in trouble than to drop our shield of criticism and his...

Criticism Kills Relationships: Why This Habit Is Toxic

criticism kills relationships

criticism kills relationships

Is it true that criticism kills relationships?

No one wants to stay in a relationship that makes them feel more judged than admired. Yet it's all too common for couples to see the other person as the problem, leading to constant criticism.

And can you guess what happens then? Yes, the death of a relationship. Let's talk more about how criticism kills relationships.

And since the other partner is the problem, the only solution is for them to change...right?

If only they would stop criticizing you and start appreciating everything you do to help the family, things would improve. If only she paid more attention to the house and the children, you wouldn't have to pester her with what needs to be done.

It hurts to be the target of criticism. And it's even worse to feel like you have to harass your partner because your requests are being ignored.

Like you, I have been the target of critical statements such as "you never consider me". I also passed it around and said things like, “You never showed any interest in my entrepreneurial endeavors. You clearly don't care about me…"

Knowing what I know now breaks my heart to see two people in love hurt each other with their words.

How Criticism Kills Relationships

We often use criticism as a form of self-protection. It's much easier to push our partner by telling them they're the ones in trouble than to drop our shield of criticism and his...

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