Mark Wahlberg Canine Pic 'Arthur The King' Gets Leftovers at the Box Office: Here's Why

'Arthur the King Film' Mark Wahlberg

How do A "A" CinemaScore And 4 1/2 star PostTrak movie with A major star And A dog underdelivery has THE box office?

THE adventure in charge of sports, doggie with a heart title Arthur THE King Since Lions Gate had No chance of winner A crown This weekend with A 8 to 10 million dollars projection. However, a lot expected This well received movie has come has THE high of expectations. He did not with A $7.5 million opening.

Also, THE missed of "A" CinemaScore, medium budget movies has THE box desk East become A trend.

Arthur THE King's underperformance had has TO DO with THE do that he look at wall For streaming by Today standards And not theatrical, RIGHT? It is Why people doesn't to show up? Yeah, but It is not 100% of THE reason.

TRUE, stars need has to have A come to Jesus with themselves When manufacturing streaming movies In conjunction with theatrical titles: Do You water down your marquee picture by manufacturing yourself available For free has House? by Wahlberg action title, THE Family Plan, was AppleTV+ most watched movie Never, would have been.

HAS paraphrase/quote Sydney that of Poitiers advice has Denzel Washington, "If they see You For free all week, they won't pay has see You on THE weekend." Hollywood stars should get tattoos of that.

Mark Wahlberg Canine Pic 'Arthur The King' Gets Leftovers at the Box Office: Here's Why
'Arthur the King Film' Mark Wahlberg

How do A "A" CinemaScore And 4 1/2 star PostTrak movie with A major star And A dog underdelivery has THE box office?

THE adventure in charge of sports, doggie with a heart title Arthur THE King Since Lions Gate had No chance of winner A crown This weekend with A 8 to 10 million dollars projection. However, a lot expected This well received movie has come has THE high of expectations. He did not with A $7.5 million opening.

Also, THE missed of "A" CinemaScore, medium budget movies has THE box desk East become A trend.

Arthur THE King's underperformance had has TO DO with THE do that he look at wall For streaming by Today standards And not theatrical, RIGHT? It is Why people doesn't to show up? Yeah, but It is not 100% of THE reason.

TRUE, stars need has to have A come to Jesus with themselves When manufacturing streaming movies In conjunction with theatrical titles: Do You water down your marquee picture by manufacturing yourself available For free has House? by Wahlberg action title, THE Family Plan, was AppleTV+ most watched movie Never, would have been.

HAS paraphrase/quote Sydney that of Poitiers advice has Denzel Washington, "If they see You For free all week, they won't pay has see You on THE weekend." Hollywood stars should get tattoos of that.

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