Crypto Super PAC Spends $2 Million on Attack Ad Targeting New York Lawmaker

Democratic Representative Jamal Archer In New York 16th Congress District has vote against three pro-crypto invoices In THE last 30 days.

Crypto Super PAC spends $2M on attack ad targeting New York lawmaker News

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THE Fairshake band, A policy action Committee (CAP) supported by crypto companies including Ripple And Coinbase, has spent more that $2 million opposite THE holder In THE Democratic primary For New York 16th Congress Neighborhood.

According to has United States Federal Election Commission data, Fairshake spent more that $2 million on A media campaign opposite Democratic Representative Jamal Bowman's re-election. As of June 16, out interest groups had contributed roughly $9 million opposite Archer, WHO East focused towards disabled against Democrat George Latimer In A June 25 primary. 

THE Fairshake attack announcement, which do not specifically mention crypto Or blockchain,

Crypto Super PAC Spends $2 Million on Attack Ad Targeting New York Lawmaker

Democratic Representative Jamal Archer In New York 16th Congress District has vote against three pro-crypto invoices In THE last 30 days.

Crypto Super PAC spends $2M on attack ad targeting New York lawmaker News

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THE Fairshake band, A policy action Committee (CAP) supported by crypto companies including Ripple And Coinbase, has spent more that $2 million opposite THE holder In THE Democratic primary For New York 16th Congress Neighborhood.

According to has United States Federal Election Commission data, Fairshake spent more that $2 million on A media campaign opposite Democratic Representative Jamal Bowman's re-election. As of June 16, out interest groups had contributed roughly $9 million opposite Archer, WHO East focused towards disabled against Democrat George Latimer In A June 25 primary. 

THE Fairshake attack announcement, which do not specifically mention crypto Or blockchain,

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