Customs officers find two roasted ANTELOPES in the passenger's bag as a bizarre "snack"

A woman traveling with two roast antelopes to Germany was checked by customs officers. The passenger said she carried the antelopes as a "snack" and they were considered a delicacy in her country.

 Customs officers found the two animals during baggage checks at Munich Airport Customs officers found the two animals during baggage checks at Munich airport (

Image: Hauptzollamt Munchen/Newsflash)

Customs officers were horrified when they came across two whole roasted antelopes in the luggage of an airline passenger, as she claimed she needed them as a "snack".

The passenger - a woman from Ghana, West Africa - landed in Munich, Germany, where she was checked by airport security and customs.

When his bag was X-rayed, officials were shocked to see two roasted antelope bodies crushed to fit in the bag. Horrific photos taken of the antelope show one of their legs crushed and twisted, as well as its head pulled back.

The passenger explained to customs that antelopes are considered a delicacy in her country and claimed that she had packed the animals as a snack for the long journey.

Passenger claimed she needed the roasted antelopes as a 'snack'
The passenger claimed she needed the roasted antelope as a "snack" (


news flash)

But due to animal health regulations, customs officers had to confiscate the antelope for immediate destruction.

A spokesman for customs headquarters in Munich, Thomas Meister, said in a statement: "Such a seizure is something extraordinary."

Antelope meat is very popular and is served like any other meat dish. Antelope meat can be served as a stew, in meatballs or on a skewer. But it is best known for being hunted and smoked or dried.

Customs officers find two roasted ANTELOPES in the passenger's bag as a bizarre "snack"

A woman traveling with two roast antelopes to Germany was checked by customs officers. The passenger said she carried the antelopes as a "snack" and they were considered a delicacy in her country.

 Customs officers found the two animals during baggage checks at Munich Airport Customs officers found the two animals during baggage checks at Munich airport (

Image: Hauptzollamt Munchen/Newsflash)

Customs officers were horrified when they came across two whole roasted antelopes in the luggage of an airline passenger, as she claimed she needed them as a "snack".

The passenger - a woman from Ghana, West Africa - landed in Munich, Germany, where she was checked by airport security and customs.

When his bag was X-rayed, officials were shocked to see two roasted antelope bodies crushed to fit in the bag. Horrific photos taken of the antelope show one of their legs crushed and twisted, as well as its head pulled back.

The passenger explained to customs that antelopes are considered a delicacy in her country and claimed that she had packed the animals as a snack for the long journey.

Passenger claimed she needed the roasted antelopes as a 'snack'
The passenger claimed she needed the roasted antelope as a "snack" (


news flash)

But due to animal health regulations, customs officers had to confiscate the antelope for immediate destruction.

A spokesman for customs headquarters in Munich, Thomas Meister, said in a statement: "Such a seizure is something extraordinary."

Antelope meat is very popular and is served like any other meat dish. Antelope meat can be served as a stew, in meatballs or on a skewer. But it is best known for being hunted and smoked or dried.

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