Diners stunned as young boys enter fast food chain on horseback before whipping them

Customers at a Supermac fast food chain in Galway, Ireland were stunned after two young boys entered the restaurant on horseback

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Galway: Two boys ride horses through Supermac's restaurant

Customers were baffled after two boys broke into a fast food chain on horseback.

The young men were recorded trotting through the Supermac's family chain in Ballinasloe, Galway, with reins, blinkers and bareback.

During the short 30 second clip, families can be seen confused by the random appearance and why the young boys were riding, before whipping the animals off.

After a few seconds, as the boy appears to be looking for a way out, a person is seen opening the main door and a staff member signals the boy the way out, reports Galway Beo.

At this point, the boy can be heard saying "I can't speak English" - while speaking perfect English - and is seen whipping the horse to make it move.

As the boy walks slowly towards the exit door, he is seen with another boy, on a smaller horse, following him out of the fast food chain, which has 118 locations across Ireland.< /p>

 Two young boys were recorded entering the Supermac's in Galway on horseback
Two young boys were recorded entering the Galway Supermac on horseback (


 Shoppers have been stunned after boys were seen in a fast food chain whipping horses n310p/1_Shoppers.jpg
Shoppers were stunned after seeing boys in a fast food chain whipping horses (



The Supermac store has been contacted for further information on the incident.

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Diners stunned as young boys enter fast food chain on horseback before whipping them

Customers at a Supermac fast food chain in Galway, Ireland were stunned after two young boys entered the restaurant on horseback

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Galway: Two boys ride horses through Supermac's restaurant

Customers were baffled after two boys broke into a fast food chain on horseback.

The young men were recorded trotting through the Supermac's family chain in Ballinasloe, Galway, with reins, blinkers and bareback.

During the short 30 second clip, families can be seen confused by the random appearance and why the young boys were riding, before whipping the animals off.

After a few seconds, as the boy appears to be looking for a way out, a person is seen opening the main door and a staff member signals the boy the way out, reports Galway Beo.

At this point, the boy can be heard saying "I can't speak English" - while speaking perfect English - and is seen whipping the horse to make it move.

As the boy walks slowly towards the exit door, he is seen with another boy, on a smaller horse, following him out of the fast food chain, which has 118 locations across Ireland.< /p>

 Two young boys were recorded entering the Supermac's in Galway on horseback
Two young boys were recorded entering the Galway Supermac on horseback (


 Shoppers have been stunned after boys were seen in a fast food chain whipping horses n310p/1_Shoppers.jpg
Shoppers were stunned after seeing boys in a fast food chain whipping horses (



The Supermac store has been contacted for further information on the incident.

It took place this week from...

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