Are you sitting at your desk all day? These small changes can improve your well-being.

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

If you're reading this, it means you're wondering how you can better juggle your well-being and achieve your career goals. The body of an office worker like you is not used to the rigors of physical labor throughout the day. However, if you don't mind a few sacrifices, it is possible to stay healthy in your surroundings.

The sedentary lifestyle of many professionals is a growing concern for experts. But even if we sit around all day working on our computers and phones, we can still make changes that improve our well-being. Need help getting started? Check out these suggestions below:

Related: Beat Your Seat: Tips for Avoiding a Sedentary Workplace

feed yourself

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to make sure you have regular meals and nourishment, but that's easier said than done because many people eat in front of their computer and doing other activities while eating. . Here are some suggestions:

Have lunch away from your desk (and out of sight). Don't just eat in front of your computer while you work; it's too tempting and doesn't put much strain on the mind or body.

Avoid eating junk food while you work.

Eat a balanced meal with protein and complex carbohydrates, such as an omelet or soup and wholemeal bread, to stay energized throughout the day.

Walk around the office

Get up and walk for at least five minutes every hour.

Take the stairs instead of using an elevator, or if available, use a stair-climbing machine during lunch breaks (try not to fall).

Have a water bottle that you have to stand upright to fill with water. This will give you more opportunities to drink more water throughout the day and will also encourage walking, as it's less convenient than being able to refill your coffee cup without getting up from your desk!

Adjust your workspace

Ask an ergonomics professional to assess your workspace. Just know that adjusting your workspace is an important first step to improving your health. There are several ways to do this, but here are some of the most common:

Adjust chair height and back: If you're at a desk, try adjusting the chair height so it supports the natural curve of your lower back. Your feet should be flat on the floor with your knees at 90 degrees when you're sitting up straight in your chair. You can also consider ergonomic chairs, which can help align your spine at work or while relaxing after work.

Adjust the computer screen: When using a computer screen for long periods of time (more than two hours), adjust its height so that it looks slightly downward toward eye level when you stand up straight, not looking too high or too low. It is also important to rotate screens vertically about once per hour, if possible; this helps reduce eye strain from constantly focusing on a point from side to side as well as moving up and down, which could contribute to poor posture over time due to muscle fatigue caused by a excessive use.

Adjust the desk: try to adjust the placement of items such as drawers within reachable distance for easy access during breaks throughout shifts, as being able to move around often allows for prevent stiffness from building up throughout entire days of sitting performing similar tasks repeatedly without motion breaks in between (eg, writing emails).

Practice deep breathing

Breathing is a natural process that keeps us alive and functioning, but many people don't breathe properly due to stress, anxiety, or bad habits like smoking or chewing tobacco. It's also easy to forget how to breathe properly if you don't focus on it all the time!

To start breathing exercises:

Are you sitting at your desk all day? These small changes can improve your well-being.

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

If you're reading this, it means you're wondering how you can better juggle your well-being and achieve your career goals. The body of an office worker like you is not used to the rigors of physical labor throughout the day. However, if you don't mind a few sacrifices, it is possible to stay healthy in your surroundings.

The sedentary lifestyle of many professionals is a growing concern for experts. But even if we sit around all day working on our computers and phones, we can still make changes that improve our well-being. Need help getting started? Check out these suggestions below:

Related: Beat Your Seat: Tips for Avoiding a Sedentary Workplace

feed yourself

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to make sure you have regular meals and nourishment, but that's easier said than done because many people eat in front of their computer and doing other activities while eating. . Here are some suggestions:

Have lunch away from your desk (and out of sight). Don't just eat in front of your computer while you work; it's too tempting and doesn't put much strain on the mind or body.

Avoid eating junk food while you work.

Eat a balanced meal with protein and complex carbohydrates, such as an omelet or soup and wholemeal bread, to stay energized throughout the day.

Walk around the office

Get up and walk for at least five minutes every hour.

Take the stairs instead of using an elevator, or if available, use a stair-climbing machine during lunch breaks (try not to fall).

Have a water bottle that you have to stand upright to fill with water. This will give you more opportunities to drink more water throughout the day and will also encourage walking, as it's less convenient than being able to refill your coffee cup without getting up from your desk!

Adjust your workspace

Ask an ergonomics professional to assess your workspace. Just know that adjusting your workspace is an important first step to improving your health. There are several ways to do this, but here are some of the most common:

Adjust chair height and back: If you're at a desk, try adjusting the chair height so it supports the natural curve of your lower back. Your feet should be flat on the floor with your knees at 90 degrees when you're sitting up straight in your chair. You can also consider ergonomic chairs, which can help align your spine at work or while relaxing after work.

Adjust the computer screen: When using a computer screen for long periods of time (more than two hours), adjust its height so that it looks slightly downward toward eye level when you stand up straight, not looking too high or too low. It is also important to rotate screens vertically about once per hour, if possible; this helps reduce eye strain from constantly focusing on a point from side to side as well as moving up and down, which could contribute to poor posture over time due to muscle fatigue caused by a excessive use.

Adjust the desk: try to adjust the placement of items such as drawers within reachable distance for easy access during breaks throughout shifts, as being able to move around often allows for prevent stiffness from building up throughout entire days of sitting performing similar tasks repeatedly without motion breaks in between (eg, writing emails).

Practice deep breathing

Breathing is a natural process that keeps us alive and functioning, but many people don't breathe properly due to stress, anxiety, or bad habits like smoking or chewing tobacco. It's also easy to forget how to breathe properly if you don't focus on it all the time!

To start breathing exercises:

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