Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug before being put down


Rachel March, from Sydney, Australia, couldn't have been more heartbroken to say her final goodbyes to her dog Bowie - moments before the spaniel crosses the rainbow bridge', she gave him a last hug and a last kiss

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Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug

A heartbroken woman said her final goodbyes to her dying dog by giving him a final hug and an emotional kiss in the car, before he was dropped off at the vet. Rachel March, from Sydney, Australia, was absolutely devastated when her family's beloved pet, Bowie, reached the end of his life, and they chose to let him go 'painlessly and peacefully' .

Rachel captured the touching moment they finally parted ways on camera, so she could cherish their special friendship forever. Rachel told the Mirror: "That last hug with Bowie is something I will never forget and I'm so happy he passed away peacefully surrounded by his family with dignity."

Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug before being put down
The golden dog buries its face in Rachel's neck (



Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug before being put down


Rachel March, from Sydney, Australia, couldn't have been more heartbroken to say her final goodbyes to her dog Bowie - moments before the spaniel crosses the rainbow bridge', she gave him a last hug and a last kiss

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Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug

A heartbroken woman said her final goodbyes to her dying dog by giving him a final hug and an emotional kiss in the car, before he was dropped off at the vet. Rachel March, from Sydney, Australia, was absolutely devastated when her family's beloved pet, Bowie, reached the end of his life, and they chose to let him go 'painlessly and peacefully' .

Rachel captured the touching moment they finally parted ways on camera, so she could cherish their special friendship forever. Rachel told the Mirror: "That last hug with Bowie is something I will never forget and I'm so happy he passed away peacefully surrounded by his family with dignity."

Dying dog says goodbye to owner with emotional hug before being put down
The golden dog buries its face in Rachel's neck (



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