Eleguá ~ Papa Legba ~ Elegbara ~ Eshu is the Yoruba Orisha of the crossroads of destiny

Elegua East THE orisha of THE crossroads Or fate In rooms of West Africa, Central Africa, And THE African diaspora In THE Americas.

Eleguá watches over a door in Cuba He also watches over our door (Tupungato/Dreamstime) Elegua watches A door In Cuba. He watches OUR door Also. (Tupungato/Dreamstime)

When We pray, We First of all ask Elegua For authorisation because he East THE Messenger has God (THE even A God as other faiths). He opens THE road has THE divine. You could say that he active THE divinity which lives In We everything.

If your life changes suddenly, It is Elegua, because he manages your the life travel.

Yoruba And related traditions are oral traditions, SO they vary slightly by place, community And even by family. In THE Americas, Yoruba traditions are syncretized with Christianity, SO there are even more variants. It is all good.

Elegua East her Caribbean Spanish name. In Yoruba Country (Nigeria/Benin/Togo), he East Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára. In Brazil, he East Elegbara. In Haiti, he East Dad Legba.

In THE Americas, Elegua East syncretized with Holy Anthony of Padua, THE Holy Child of Atosha, Or THE Archangel Michael.

Elegua East paired with Eshu, THE trickster. A few of THE sacred stories consider them has be THE even, a few consider them has be brothers. American popular culture knows Elegua Since THE Robert Johnson history, And Eshu Since THE Brer Rabbit for children story.

Yoruba Faith East THE Equal of Any of them Faith

European colonizers demonized All African And their White supremacy absurdity has become part of American culture. What We say about others, In fact said All about We. Yoruba And related African And diaspora traditions are beautiful beliefs base on THE forces of nature which everyone understands.

Eleguá/Eshu represented THE power of chance. Each time You leave your House, You are socket A chance. Things can go GOOD Or things can go bad. Activation your interior divinity When You to walk through THE door East probably A GOOD thing.

Chance East very powerful. He turned A chemical soup In THE primordial oceans In all THE life on Earth Today. A thing We notice about change East that he can not be pleasant while It is event, but generally led has better things.

When OUR lives change suddenly, We to have learned has pay attention, take A stage back And wait For THE change has finishing. Better days are in front.

Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára, Elegua, Élegbara, Dad Legba
This East A performance For tourists. We don't do it know if these are THE sacred rhythms And movements, but You get THE idea.

THE orisha of THE crossroads opens And closes doors has THE paths of life. HAS worship Or celebrity...

Eleguá ~ Papa Legba ~ Elegbara ~ Eshu is the Yoruba Orisha of the crossroads of destiny

Elegua East THE orisha of THE crossroads Or fate In rooms of West Africa, Central Africa, And THE African diaspora In THE Americas.

Eleguá watches over a door in Cuba He also watches over our door (Tupungato/Dreamstime) Elegua watches A door In Cuba. He watches OUR door Also. (Tupungato/Dreamstime)

When We pray, We First of all ask Elegua For authorisation because he East THE Messenger has God (THE even A God as other faiths). He opens THE road has THE divine. You could say that he active THE divinity which lives In We everything.

If your life changes suddenly, It is Elegua, because he manages your the life travel.

Yoruba And related traditions are oral traditions, SO they vary slightly by place, community And even by family. In THE Americas, Yoruba traditions are syncretized with Christianity, SO there are even more variants. It is all good.

Elegua East her Caribbean Spanish name. In Yoruba Country (Nigeria/Benin/Togo), he East Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára. In Brazil, he East Elegbara. In Haiti, he East Dad Legba.

In THE Americas, Elegua East syncretized with Holy Anthony of Padua, THE Holy Child of Atosha, Or THE Archangel Michael.

Elegua East paired with Eshu, THE trickster. A few of THE sacred stories consider them has be THE even, a few consider them has be brothers. American popular culture knows Elegua Since THE Robert Johnson history, And Eshu Since THE Brer Rabbit for children story.

Yoruba Faith East THE Equal of Any of them Faith

European colonizers demonized All African And their White supremacy absurdity has become part of American culture. What We say about others, In fact said All about We. Yoruba And related African And diaspora traditions are beautiful beliefs base on THE forces of nature which everyone understands.

Eleguá/Eshu represented THE power of chance. Each time You leave your House, You are socket A chance. Things can go GOOD Or things can go bad. Activation your interior divinity When You to walk through THE door East probably A GOOD thing.

Chance East very powerful. He turned A chemical soup In THE primordial oceans In all THE life on Earth Today. A thing We notice about change East that he can not be pleasant while It is event, but generally led has better things.

When OUR lives change suddenly, We to have learned has pay attention, take A stage back And wait For THE change has finishing. Better days are in front.

Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára, Elegua, Élegbara, Dad Legba
This East A performance For tourists. We don't do it know if these are THE sacred rhythms And movements, but You get THE idea.

THE orisha of THE crossroads opens And closes doors has THE paths of life. HAS worship Or celebrity...

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