Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder parody the intro to "Anyone But You" by Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell in new promo "The Curse"

If It is A marketing scheme, It is A elaborate one.

"THE Curse" stars Emma Rock And Nathan Field player parody THE trailer introduction has THE Sydney Sweeney And Glen Powell romantic comedy "Anybody But You" In A newly released promo. In A almost exact parallel has that of Sweeney And Powell, THE introduction features Rock And Field player standing against A pale blue background, with Field player resistant A white buttoned And Rock resistant A peach colored reservoir at the top.

"Check out THE trailer For My new to show," A radiant Rock said, has which Field player counters, "My new show. »

"It is In fact My to show," Rock retorts.

Field player mocks, saying, "GOOD see of which to show he East once people see that."

Rock let's allow out A incredulous laugh Before amendment se: "Check out THE trailer For OUR new to show, 'THE Curse.'”

"Better?" She request Field player, WHO States, fixed, "Just play THE trailer. »

"Oh My God," Rock said Before rolling her eyes In fun. “Enjoy.”

Field player SO took has Instagram has clarify THE similarities.

"I have just has been informed that THE introduction clip leading In OUR trailer For 'THE Curse' which I job has social media earlier Today has similarities has THE trailer introduction For THE romantic comedy movie 'Anybody But You.' I to want has be very clear – We shot This promotion on six month There is, And I am seriously concerned that THE marketing team has Sony Pictures either way saw OUR promotional And copy he," , add that he would be not be " pursue legal action."

"As artists, TO DO these types of the promotions, We just read THE scripts We are given with inflexible trust that THE creative We are perform East entirely original And not survey Since in competition projects Or generated by AI (A continued struggle that artists around THE world are trying has put A stop has)," Field player continued. "It is unfortunate that Sydney, Glen, Emma, And myself to have has been put In This situation. But This will not stop We Since proof each others success, And I know that both Emma And myself will personally be reservation in front row tickets has 'Anybody But You' on opening night."

He was not clear if Field player was joke Or not, but THE actor East known For future up with weird diagrams has promote companies In her reality comedy to show “Nathan For YOU. »

"Anybody But You" director Will Gluck later replied has Field player, apparently confirming that he was all pretend And playing along with THE joke. Gluck admitted that THE team "did Indeed fly THE trailer launch idea" And included A version of THE "THE Curse" poster, with Sweeney And Powell heads photoshopped on Rock And of the field player body.

"In Today time of Cancel culture, Sometimes It is better has just own your errors. We did Indeed fly THE trailer launch idea Since 'THE Curse' And For that, We deeply apologize has Paramount+, Show time, Nathan Field player, And Emma Rock. I know words are hollow, but please In THE vacation spirit, to try has forgive OUR misstep", .

"Unfortunately, This was not OUR only transgression. We Also appropriate your poster For OUR campaign," Gluck added, noting that THE team had initially destined on beginnings THE poster following week, but "For obvious (And legal) the reasons," they would be be release he along with THE note.

"Please Again accept OUR sincere apologies. We In No path destined has stay In THE path of your success; Indeed, We celebrate he. I know that We will Also be watching 'THE Curse' When he firsts In January," Gluck said.

"Anybody But You" East foreseen For A Dec. 22 the A...

Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder parody the intro to "Anyone But You" by Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell in new promo "The Curse"

If It is A marketing scheme, It is A elaborate one.

"THE Curse" stars Emma Rock And Nathan Field player parody THE trailer introduction has THE Sydney Sweeney And Glen Powell romantic comedy "Anybody But You" In A newly released promo. In A almost exact parallel has that of Sweeney And Powell, THE introduction features Rock And Field player standing against A pale blue background, with Field player resistant A white buttoned And Rock resistant A peach colored reservoir at the top.

"Check out THE trailer For My new to show," A radiant Rock said, has which Field player counters, "My new show. »

"It is In fact My to show," Rock retorts.

Field player mocks, saying, "GOOD see of which to show he East once people see that."

Rock let's allow out A incredulous laugh Before amendment se: "Check out THE trailer For OUR new to show, 'THE Curse.'”

"Better?" She request Field player, WHO States, fixed, "Just play THE trailer. »

"Oh My God," Rock said Before rolling her eyes In fun. “Enjoy.”

Field player SO took has Instagram has clarify THE similarities.

"I have just has been informed that THE introduction clip leading In OUR trailer For 'THE Curse' which I job has social media earlier Today has similarities has THE trailer introduction For THE romantic comedy movie 'Anybody But You.' I to want has be very clear – We shot This promotion on six month There is, And I am seriously concerned that THE marketing team has Sony Pictures either way saw OUR promotional And copy he," , add that he would be not be " pursue legal action."

"As artists, TO DO these types of the promotions, We just read THE scripts We are given with inflexible trust that THE creative We are perform East entirely original And not survey Since in competition projects Or generated by AI (A continued struggle that artists around THE world are trying has put A stop has)," Field player continued. "It is unfortunate that Sydney, Glen, Emma, And myself to have has been put In This situation. But This will not stop We Since proof each others success, And I know that both Emma And myself will personally be reservation in front row tickets has 'Anybody But You' on opening night."

He was not clear if Field player was joke Or not, but THE actor East known For future up with weird diagrams has promote companies In her reality comedy to show “Nathan For YOU. »

"Anybody But You" director Will Gluck later replied has Field player, apparently confirming that he was all pretend And playing along with THE joke. Gluck admitted that THE team "did Indeed fly THE trailer launch idea" And included A version of THE "THE Curse" poster, with Sweeney And Powell heads photoshopped on Rock And of the field player body.

"In Today time of Cancel culture, Sometimes It is better has just own your errors. We did Indeed fly THE trailer launch idea Since 'THE Curse' And For that, We deeply apologize has Paramount+, Show time, Nathan Field player, And Emma Rock. I know words are hollow, but please In THE vacation spirit, to try has forgive OUR misstep", .

"Unfortunately, This was not OUR only transgression. We Also appropriate your poster For OUR campaign," Gluck added, noting that THE team had initially destined on beginnings THE poster following week, but "For obvious (And legal) the reasons," they would be be release he along with THE note.

"Please Again accept OUR sincere apologies. We In No path destined has stay In THE path of your success; Indeed, We celebrate he. I know that We will Also be watching 'THE Curse' When he firsts In January," Gluck said.

"Anybody But You" East foreseen For A Dec. 22 the A...

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