Enjoy: Video Blog Discusses "7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life"

7 classic movies that changed my life video

Let's get into some classics! There's always room for more discussion of classic cinema, something we don't talk about enough here on FS. This video blog is made by a movie buff named Miriam Figueras from Barcelona, ​​who runs a blog called "Cine Gratia Cinema" where she creates videos about and discusses many of her favorite movies from the past. It's "a place to develop love for #ClassicFilms and #OldHollywood and have fun doing it. It's my little corner where I can share all the knowledge for the cinema that I love." In this video, she discusses 7 classic movies that changed my life. It's always great to listen to moviegoers talk about the movies they love, but it's also an opportunity to encourage modern moviegoers to catch up on these classics. She tells how they "sparked different interests and made me learn more about myself and those around me". Have you seen all the movies here?

7 classic movies that changed my life

Thanks to Twitter for the tip on this fun video. A brief description from YouTube: "In this video, I'm going to discuss those classic movies that have had such a huge impact on my life that in some cases it was never the same again. This is a topic close to my heart. heart and that I wanted to share for a long time so that you too understand where my love for cinema comes from. I would also like to hear your story!" This video was made by a Spanish film buff named Miriam Figueras, who maintains a blog called "Cine Gratia Cinema" - find more of her videos on YouTube or check out her film blog or follow her on IG @cinegratiacinema. Movies she mentions in this video chat include: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), It's Fun! (1974), Singin' in the Rain em> (1952), Born yesterday (1950), Notorious (1946), The best years of our lives (1946), Out of the Past (1947), It's a Wonderful Life (1946). There are so many wonderful classics in movie history to watch and enjoy. What are your favorite classic movies?

Find more articles: Must Watch, Video Blog, Video Trials

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Enjoy: Video Blog Discusses "7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life"
7 classic movies that changed my life video

Let's get into some classics! There's always room for more discussion of classic cinema, something we don't talk about enough here on FS. This video blog is made by a movie buff named Miriam Figueras from Barcelona, ​​who runs a blog called "Cine Gratia Cinema" where she creates videos about and discusses many of her favorite movies from the past. It's "a place to develop love for #ClassicFilms and #OldHollywood and have fun doing it. It's my little corner where I can share all the knowledge for the cinema that I love." In this video, she discusses 7 classic movies that changed my life. It's always great to listen to moviegoers talk about the movies they love, but it's also an opportunity to encourage modern moviegoers to catch up on these classics. She tells how they "sparked different interests and made me learn more about myself and those around me". Have you seen all the movies here?

7 classic movies that changed my life

Thanks to Twitter for the tip on this fun video. A brief description from YouTube: "In this video, I'm going to discuss those classic movies that have had such a huge impact on my life that in some cases it was never the same again. This is a topic close to my heart. heart and that I wanted to share for a long time so that you too understand where my love for cinema comes from. I would also like to hear your story!" This video was made by a Spanish film buff named Miriam Figueras, who maintains a blog called "Cine Gratia Cinema" - find more of her videos on YouTube or check out her film blog or follow her on IG @cinegratiacinema. Movies she mentions in this video chat include: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), It's Fun! (1974), Singin' in the Rain em> (1952), Born yesterday (1950), Notorious (1946), The best years of our lives (1946), Out of the Past (1947), It's a Wonderful Life (1946). There are so many wonderful classics in movie history to watch and enjoy. What are your favorite classic movies?

Find more articles: Must Watch, Video Blog, Video Trials

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